May My Soul: Duo

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The Nyhnor Pact controls some of north America and is ran by a leader who has taken out many resistance groups in Nyhnor territory it holds what is left of russia and the middle east. There are dark zones all over the world, the Lunareum and Solareum border Elyseum which controls territory from Texas to south America and what was left claimable in europe, highly militaristic and pushes for human supremacy at any cost, while Nyhnor has Diveans and Daemons with Noctreans some humans in their ranks.

The Raven was apart of a branch which is now something else in Elyseum, the Anomalous Containment Initiative or the A. C. I. He was one of the best operators around, he helped with Animae research and development now he wanders the Northern American D. Z., resting at times when he goes from settlement to settlement to town to town. Jeremias needs to find Estrid or hope that one other Raven is moving other paths along unlike him stuck with vengeance revolving over and over in his soul.

The Raven finds an abandoned camp around twenty or so tents with a power rig half built the armor itself would be useful but the chassis of the power rig looks poorly kept and rusted with jagged edges on each side of the neck protector, he takes a breath before walking over, his caution is instinctive, he shoulders his carbine with his finger almost on the trigger, he checks the first five tents finding nothing another breath exits, he calms but his guard isn't down, he sees two men with jagged armor crouch down preparing their machetes, without hesitation Jeremias fires off a few burst with the forceful jerk radiant through his shoulder, he hears the thud of two bodies dropping, he gazes quickly in another direction rushing behind a cache with the wizz of bullets passing over head.

He notices an A. C. I. Patch on one of the Marauders, he peeks out and ignites his carbine with Animae blazing from the barrel the other five drop but the one who has past A. C. I. affiliation runs forward then blinks with no warning kneeing Jeremias in the chest forcing him to drop his carbine, the two men clash once they draw their knives, Jeremias manages to grab the man's right hand strike before stabbing the man in the shoulder, the man screams in pain as the Raven twist and slams him down placing his knee position on the man's throat ready to kill, Jeremias sighs "Why do this? We had a duty before this..."

The former comrade replies back to him "Honestly, I blame the people who formed Elyseum, they didn't want us old guard anymore, they marked you as AWOL."

Jeremias loosens his grip on the man before letting himself up once he keeps hold of both knives, Jeremias let's his question free "Name?" The man gets up slowly, the Raven did do a good number on him physically even though it was purely Animae doing most of the forced strain.

"Oman Burnett..." The Raven lets out a chuckle before lowering his guard tossing Oman his knife back, the Ex-Recruit catches it then sheaths it "Are you going to kill me?"

Jeremias answers with a simple "No." Although he is preparing his talons, his family may not be birds of prey even though they have been known for hunting like them.

The Ex-Recruit caught off guard by the answer asking "Why?" a chuckle comes from the lone Raven "I trust the fact that you're decent, if you wish to follow me on my journey. You may. On one condition we do what I want and go where I want to." Oman has knowledge of Jeremias' bloodline even though the Ravens had influence over governments and the leaders ever since Terra was young... The Ex-Recruit wanted to question but didn't, Jeremias smiles for once even though his path leads to a sea of crimson while a man of zero brings nihilistic destruction all for rekindling.

Oman begins to follow the Raven while he searches the tents of the camp, Oman takes a breath "This camp was Calathas owned."

Jeremias questions Oman about the name "Calathas?" This Raven has no contact with or knowledge of the Zoner Factions besides hearing of Elyseum.

The answer comes from the Ex-Recruit "the Calathas Pact is a faction with Diveans and Daemons, they've been trying to get help from the Lunareum and the Solareum to fight against the Nyhnor Pact. No one fucks with the Nyhnor because of their way of dealing with people." The Daemon Jeremias killed in Claror had Nyhnor Pact Sigils, did they take his sister and slaughtered his family? The moment of clarity from the rage filled retribution he gave the Daemon, the Raven takes a breath once he flexes his left hand even though it was twitching uncontrollably.

Excess Animae can be dangerous it can break a soul if not handled correctly, it can bring stress upon the physical frame even more mental anguish, spiritual insanity. 

This Raven hides his guilt and his held in wrath bringing the illusion of taciturnity when in reality, he is destroying himself emotionally from the inside out, silence can become an unsaid voice when the sounds of gunfire fill the air across the barren landscape like an horrid symphony of Apocalyptic Darwinism.

Oman asks out of caution "Are you okay?" The Raven does a nod with silence. No words between the two were given when they check the command tent that has a shutdown holographic map. A cache with two broadsword styled weapons near it. Oman glances at Raven, The Raven walks over to the cache, he places one hand on it before channeling his Animae through his body letting his strength and physical well being increase when he lifts up swiftly....

Thought of his sister and brothers enter his reminiscent mind. The shenanigans they did, before The Concisura Crisis, it was perfect then. Now this Raven flies his path of blood and judgement with little atonement.

Falling From Puritas [[COMPLETE]] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon