Nulla Corvus Ruinam

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"Ravens never fall."- Jeremias Raven [[Audio log ends]]

The Trio manage to set up a meeting with the Council of Lunareum even though the Diluculum try to deny the request, with Pendragon the trio have a meeting in a week or so, Jeremias takes a seat looking at a family photo reminiscencing on what was a happy life every Raven in the photo was smiling he says in his hotel room to himself "Ravens never fall." He repeats "Ravens never fall." The Raven lays in his bed thinking of what he could do to further Oman's path, the man was an unknown entity and the feeling of it was echoed by the aura. Jeremias runs his hands over his face before shifting his body up from the bed hearing a click, click..... Tick tock, tick tock, Jeremias acts like a warrior with no hesitation drawing his blade, tick tock thunder is radiant. Tick tock the Raven moves with his might, tick tock a Stalker drops, tick tock, tick tock every Raven strikes true....

This Raven sighs sheathing his blade looking at the ten bodies of Diluculum Stalkers it was clear insight the Noctrean faction didn't want him speaking to the Council of Lunareum. He taps on the back of his left ear "Kastan, Oman stay alert we may be targeted. I just killed ten Stalkers."

Kastan replies "I just annihilated ten Stalkers as well."

Oman replies after "Same here." The Trio take this moment to change their approach, they need a craft to act as a vessel to Nyllus even though the Nyhnor so much causes and effect stood in the way, the Diluculum was one with the bounty that Jeremias and Oman have on their heads. In time the trio soon stand before the council of Lunareum

Kastan makes his case before them "I, Kastan Pendragon state; That my comrades and I enter Nyhnor Pact territory preferably Washington D. C."

The Diluculum member of the Council questions the Dragon "Anything else?" a statement from the member comes after "The Nyhnor Pact doesn't grant request there gently..."

Jeremias snaps out loud "They have my sister and their leader ordered the slaughter of my kin!"

The Diluculum member questions the Raven "And your family is?" Jeremias sends spite in his gaze at the Diluculum member of the Council of Lunareum.

Kastan let's his case free "From my comrade's statement, his family was targeted unjustly. The Nyhnor Pact is in the wrong."

Sixtus speaks glancing at the Diluculum member "If it is true and what he says is true, least we can do is give a craft to them onward to Terran Liberation Army territory." The other members whisper silently to themselves in the silvery lit room with a greco-roman design fully seen with pillars of Carpathian appearance within, Jeremias stares at Sixtus with disgust. Sixtus Varden has his own reasons for his house, the Diluculum member gazes at the Raven with a hint of distaste, Oman wasn't used to politics but he kept his voice close observing the council and the movements they do, some keen on letting vengeance shine some wanting to send the trio out for a swift and painless execution. The Council turns their sight on the trio.

Sixtus asks "All in favor of the transport to T. L. A?" The Diluculum member says without hesitation "Aye." another member follows "Aye." another "Aye." Another Diluculum member says "Aye." The Council leader says in surprise of Pendragon and Raven " Abstain." after another "Aye." soon after another "Abstain." One member says "Nay." The voting has ended, Jeremias feels a heavy weight on his shoulders, Kastan as well, Oman just feels uncertainty.... the Path was clear now.

The trio exit with no words. Kastan is hiding his frustration "Damn it! All of them are snakes but those who abstained. I know that the T. L. A. have been fighting against the Nyhnor Pact ever since the Concisura Crisis ended."

Oman questions outwardly "So what we're being sent into a death trap?" Uncertainty controlling his instincts now. He was ready to run and give up. After being spared by The Raven

Jeremias let's his statement out radiant in his tone "No, we can use this, Kastan has his Battalion. We can speak with the T. L. A. I am not going to end up just like every other man who died during this horrid time."

the unknown factor sighs "Either way, its not going to be a walk in the park. I was a bandit before I met you." While the Raven listens

Jeremias states an unforgettable fact "And you were part of the A. C. I. you protect, you joined because of that, I gave you a chance you took the branch now your path is clear. It isn't mine." He turns and follows the Diluculum Knights with motorcycle styled helms and all brown reinforced leather Armor it was Kevlar at least. Pendragon follows besides the Probie and his friend as sight switches to a Zero.

Meanwhile in Washington, Nyllus stands at the entrance of the house of ivory marble smiling. "Tell me, oh enchantress tell me. Why are Ravens so defiant?"

Estrid states a harsh remark "We are defiant towards failed Sunsets. You are no Hero. You're Nil."

Nyllus chuckles and sends a backhanded strike with his own bite of Animae. "I'm more than a Hero. I am the Rekindler. I am the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning of the End." Estrid quiets herself she wants to strike back but her Oversight let's her go reserved yet elegant with her grace echo in her almost angelic figure like she matches a Divean female in stubbornness. The Rekindler cackles getting a report from a Diluculum contact "Oh how the tides turn, I know if the T. L. A. try to do a forward assault on D. C. the casualties will be at least fifty thousand if not three hundred thousand..." he waves his left hand "I have this house of ivory fortified from the North, South, East and West. From all the other directions, I have sniper positions forming kill zones with trenches and mechanized units. Even if the Magna Draco Battalion is in this assault, I will make sure that each Round Table Hero dies with them." Nyllus laughs with pure mania "Nulla Corvus Ruinam." He says with pride in his tone "Nulla Magna Vex."

The T. L. A. begin to prepare for the coming months ahead. The war between the Nyhnor Pact and the T. L. A. spended from China to the middle east and Africa. In a war that began during the Concisura Crisis. Many died in the Zero Hour of it in the thousands, from Daemon, Divean and Noctrean to Earthkin. War was always a creation of civilization and some 'civilized' views yet it is a destroyer, a bringer of famine and broken bloodlines with faith involved it leads to more diseased and bastardized prophets. The T. L. A. wants Terra free from the Nyhnor Pact, free from this Rekindling ember that seeks Salvation from the suffering of incident souls, mercy is not his name, mercy isn't of his character. Mercy is just a tool, a tool he uses when it favors him and his pawns. This Daemon knows his manipulation and his daggers with great strategic insight he benefits. Even if it cost his pawns for victory. The Wolf and Raven with a Dragon and Unknown will meet, not now but it will lead to paths ending to other paths beginning. As is the fate of those who fight for their purity.

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