"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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Me and George haven't really talked about the kiss. I mean I remember it clear as day, but I feel like if I talk about it hes going to get uncomfortable or something. These thoughts are just racing through my head as me and George sit and watch Tv. "So, it has been a while since I streamed so I thought maybe we could stream together!" he says. "Yeah, of course! I haven't streamed in a while either, so I probably should stream." I respond. "Alright, then its settled. We are streaming tonight." He says in an excited tone. I look at the time and its 16:30 and I was a little tired but forced myself to stay awake for George's stream.

George sets up his camera and goes into twitch. "Ready?" He asks looking at me. "Yeah!" I say while yawning. "Alrighty then! 3..2...1... were live!" He says. "Hello chat! Today we have a special guest!" He says in a excited tone. "Hello George's chat!" I say trying to make me sound more awake. "So, today we are going to be doing a Q and A!" George says excitedly. "So, ask questions in chat or through donations and well answer!" He says. George reads a question out loud. "Are you going to do more streams with Y/n?" "Oh, yes I definitely will!" He answers. We continue to answer questions and my eye lids get heavier. One question that makes my eyes pop open is, "Can you guys' kiss. Pleaseeee" A donation reads out. "I mean-" I say. "Not on stream." He says with a chuckle. I see the chat go by faster after he says that, and a lot of the chats are like "OMG" and "What did he say?!?!?" I feel my eye lids close, and I fall asleep. I feel my head rest on something but don't think much of it and continue to sleep.

I wake up the next morning to be in my bed and I open my phone. I go on twitter and there's a lot of photos of me sleeping on George's shoulder. "Oh shit." I mutter out to myself. I think of how George probably hates me because of what happens and that he probably left. I snap out of my thoughts when I smell pancakes and coffee. I get out of bed and adventure my way to the kitchen.

I see George making pancakes while coffees brewing in the pot. "Oh! Good morning sleeping beauty!" He says turning around to look at me. He takes a few pancakes and puts them on a plate. "Hey uh sorry about last night and everything on twitter-" I keep on blabbering. "It's fine sweetheart." George says placing down my plate and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I feel my cheeks heat up and I smile. Not soon after George brings me a cup of coffee and sits down next to me to eat.

We both finish eating and I look over at him. We look each other in the eyes and lean in closer. "Y/n, may I kiss you?" He asks. I nod my head as I close the gap in our lips. We sit there kissing for a moment and then pull away. "Y/n I have a question." He says in a nervous voice. "What is it?" I answer. "Will you be my girlfriend?" George asks and I feel like this moment would never happen. "Yes George!" I answer in excitement. "Oh my gosh really?!" He says. "Yes George, yes!" I answer kissing him again. I feel as if this was the happiest moment of my life. As if I have found... the love of my life.

Authors note

Heya! How are all of you guys? I know it has been a few weeks since I posted my last chapter. But I hope you enjoyed! Take care and drink water! Xo

Word count: 616

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