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Time skip: 1 year later.

I have been with George for a year now. His chat loves me, and we announced that we are boyfriend and girlfriend. Everything in my life has been amazing and I'm so happy. Tonight, was our flight to Disney land and I was packing. I was so excited because I've never been to Disney land! I hear George enter the room and walks up behind me. "Heya, you almost packed?" George asks hugging me from behind. "Yep! I am so excited." I say turning around and giving him a peck on the lips then hugging him. "Me too." He replies. I finish packing then we put our stuff in the car. We start driving to the airport listening to music.

We arrive at the airport and I'm shaking in excitement. We grab our bags then start walking to our plane. We go through airport security and walk onto the plane. We sit down and I hold his hand looking him in the eyes. "I'm so excited!" I mouth. "Me too!" He mouths back to me. The plane lifts off and I decide that I'm going to take a nap. I lay my head on George's shoulder and drift off.

I wake up to George shaking me awake and I snap my eyes open. "Were here!" He says in a excited whisper tone. I get up and we exit the plane. I hold George's hand and squeeze it smiling at him. He looks at me and smiles. We take a uber to the hotel and walk in. "I'm so excited!" I say smiling. I look at the time and it was 3am. "I think that we should go to bed." I say taking off my shoes then changing my clothes. "Alrighty." George responds as he takes off his shoes and changes his clothes. We head into bed and fall asleep instantly.

I wake up to the smell of waffles, whipped cream, strawberries, and coffee. I open my eyes and see exactly what I smelt. "Morning dear." George says kissing my forehead. "Thank you." I say with a smile. I eat my breakfast and get ready for the day.

We walk all around Disney world, going on all the rides and eating all their food. We spend all day doing different activities and experiences. We go on all the rides I want and have basically gone on every ride. I was 9pm and they were about to set off fireworks. You were so excited, as it was your first time really seeing fireworks.

George has his jacket around you while you wait for them to be set off. You see the first firework get set off and you watch in awe. George sits up and stands in front of you. He gets on one knee and your heart drops. "Y/n Y/l/n (Your last name) Will you stay with me for the rest of my life, through all my journeys and bumps in life. Will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?" He asks smiling while opening the ring box revealing the prettiest diamond ring ever as it glimmers in from the lights of the fireworks. You stare at him for a second then answer. "George, yes! A million times yes!" He smile gets larger as he slips the ring on your finger. You both stand up and kiss. The fireworks continue to set off as the happiest moment of your life happens. This is a day you'll never forget, as you just married the love of your life.

Authors note
Ah! What an amazing way to end a book. I hope you enjoyed this story, and I might come out with more Georgenotfoundxreader books soon! Till then, check out my other books if you want to continue to read my writing! Take care! Xoxo

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