Bank Robber

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"This is a robbery,everyone get on the ground.". The voice shouted as two loud pops rang out. "Hey you" he pointed to my coworker. "Put the money in the bag." He says as if this is a movie. With out missing a beat another two loud shots rang out. Shit if only I had stayed with Sebastian. He's my ex as of 10 years ago. After he told me what he really did for a living. He was an Italian Mafia boss. But now is no time for thoughts. "There.... There is all of it." My coworker said handing over the bag. As she handed over the bag I got up and quickly pressed the silent alarm. Everyone including the robbers looked at at me the idiot who just moved. Suddenly they all dropped their bags and left. Before one of them could leave i grabbed them and ask why'd they stop all off sudden. He informed me that Sebastian had put me on a no harms list 10 years ago. You quickly dial the number and the grainy voice you'd longed to hear for a while immediately comforted you."Hey Sebastian, why'd you put me on a no harms list?" I asked quickly trying to gather my thoughts. Sebastian didn't answer for a while so to make sure he is still there I quickly said "What just cause your tongue isn't in me doesn't mean you can't speak." He lets out a groin like chuckle. Then says "That he's longed for you, missed your touch voice and everything in between but that you mean so much to him and he couldn't dare take you off.". After those words I confessed to him that I've wanted him ever sense that pitfall day in the hotel room. He says he needs me now and text me an address that I'm unfamiliar with. After I get the address i hop in the car not even worried about what happened. As soon as I get there we fuck. And that's is how I met your father. I say now looking down at my beautiful son and daughter.

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