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I'm a 25 year old masculine woman. I'm a bouncer at the club Chukra. And people think that I can just easily spot fake id's while some of the ones I get are just straight trash. I actually can see how old someone is based on a number above their head. One day I'm doing my job and another fake id pops up. Not in the way you think but he was trying to look younger than he actually was. I look up and there is a 4 digit number 7629. I told Suzy the other bouncer to cover for me and I pull him into a back room. "Hey ummm this is gonna sound weird but I know that your 7629 years old." I blurt out trying to get straight to the point. "Funny thing i'm a time traveler, and I've gotten stuck here in the past, so I'm just living my life.". He says utterly shocked that I even asked the question. "Oh well urm, you can go in the club just wanted you to know that I know." I say desperately trying to get out of the conversation. "Ok but quick question he says reaching under his jacket." He pulls out a gun. " How'd you know that I was 7629 year old?" He ask pointing the gun barrel at me. I'm unfazed by the gun so I explain that I can see peoples ages above their head. He then lowers the gun and ducks into the crowd.  As I think about everything that just happened I notice two fourteen year olds trying to sneak into the club. "Hey you to come here."

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