Contract killer

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I've just finished my last kill. It was by far the messiest kills I've ever done. There was blood all over. At least there was no longer a body I thought to myself. I go to my dead drop to get information on my next kill. To my surprise I find a letter and  $23.42 in it. The letter said Dear Murderer, I know who you really are. Kiara Jones. Just thought that since I've figured out your identity and I didn't snitch you could do something for me. I want you to kill my brother. He's an Italian Mafia leader and once he dies it'll all be mine. But since he didn't want anyone to catch on to him I've been forced to live with a foster family. You'll kill him or your toast. After I finished the letter I go looking for the name of her brother. While I may not trust the actual letter whoever wrote it's seems serious and actually hasn't turned me over to the police yet.You'd be surprised with how many Italian mafia bosses there are. So far only 3 can be the brother to this little girl. Leonardo Russo, Sebastian Castillo, and Sergio Ortiz.  Sebastian is eliminated cause this idiot is now in police custody for having sex with an underage boy. To think he surrounds himself with all those strippers. Sergio is now eliminated because I may or may not have just murdered him. Which means his name Leonardo Russo. Now i'm on my way to Italy to kill him. I board the plane without any problems until I notice 2 guys in a baseball caps following me. "Hey,you can't do what your thinking about other wise we'll have to take care of you." The broad one says while cracking his knuckles. "You don't know who your dealing with." I say quoting my favorite movie. Just as I back up the broad one swings. I barely doge it. 10 minutes later they are on the floor and the plane has taken off. Damn, it this, means someone has tipped them off making this a suicide mission. I finally arrive in Italy. I grab my bag and head to Leonardo's hq. At almost every twist and turn I have to knock someone out. As of right now I've injured like 27 people. After I strike the last one on the head I head up to Leonardo's office. "Hey, it's time to die." I say again quoting my favorite movie. I go over to his desk and have my gun out. I turn around the chair. And shit the idiot has escaped. I look around the room to see if there is any clues that lead to were he went. There's nothing here but since I know how some people operate I still check the walls. After hitting a button I hear a click. 3 seconds later the room engulfs in flames and i'm thrown from the top of the fucking building. I use my zip line that is attache to my coat to swing on to the next building. After landing I rush outside and try to find someone that'll help me. Once I reach outside I figured out how he escaped. "He must've had a trap door." I say while hopping in my rental car. Now I'm playing the waiting game.I've been tracking him for days and he is now in Mexico. He isn't doing anything that'll let me kill him. He won't drink,eat,or go anywhere with out security. So my best bet it to get in his inner circle. As the days progress I insert myself into his life. He'll see me walking down the street maybe getting into the car next to him but he sees me everyday. This goes on for 2 months, but he is finally dropping his guard and resuming his role as a normal person in society. When he finally noticed me I just so happened to spill a coffee on his shirt. "Sei fortunato, non ho la mia gente che ti uccida ora." He said to me, thinking I wouldn't understand."I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean for this to happen." I spit out biting my tongue. I clean his shirt and steadily slip my hand in his pocket to steal his flash drive. I stole it then swapped it with ease."Don't let it happen again." Leonardo says while getting into his classic black SUV. Before they were fully out of my sight I snapped a picture of his licensee plate. I call a Taxi so I can get back to my hotel that I of course booked under a fake name. When I arrive at the hotel I see some Leonardo's men looking around the lobby. Oh shit i'm going to get caught I say while walking towards the nearset exit. They almost spit me but I'd made it to the stair case just in time. I ran all the way downstairs and out on ti the street to blend in with your everyday person. What has this girl gotten me into I think ti myself. I can't do the waiting game anymore so now it's time to force his hand. I call his number that I got tracking his phone "Leonardo if you want your list back meet me at 5820 Washington Avenue NOW." I say into the phone. I immediately hang up so they can't trace the call or track where I am. When he arrives he is meet by a civilian. "Give it back now or I'll kill you." He says menacingly to the middle aged dad."What are you talking about?" He asks.Deciding that I'd no longer like to see this go on I take the shoot.

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