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Here I am,sitting at my best friends wedding. She marrying the man that hates my guts. Two weeks ago I found out he was cheating on her. Flashback. "Hey Jane with all the kidnappings and murders going on during this time I really just want you to know I love you. I don't mean love as a friend either but I'm in love with you. I know we can't ever be together but I'd rather you know now rather than I'm killed and you don't know." I tell my best friend Jane."Thank you also, I love you too but as a friend and we can continue to be friends if you want." Jane tells me. I tell her yes and to this day we still remain friends.End of flashback. As Jane's soon to be husband begins to say his vows Jane gets a tear in her eye. He says "This form of love is a unity. And rather than 2 hearts becoming one it's 2 souls becoming one. Because Jane I love you with my mind body and soul." He recites as if 2 weeks ago he wasn't just kissing his friend but I brush it off. When Jane recites her vow she says"I love you for infinity ♾" Flashback. "Hey Jane we need a safe word." I say. "Yeah that would be cool but no one else should know it should only be us ." She says. "The word should be infinity." I say. "Yeah ok I'm fine with that." Jane says.End of flashback. As she repeats the sentence I realize that she's in danger. "Or forever hold your peace." The priest says bringing me back to reality. "I object." I scream. Everyone gasp. I run up to the groom and kick him in the balls. "Jane let's go." I scream running away from the scene we've just caused. "Why would I go with you, you just kicked my fiancé in the balls." She screams at me. "It's your fault I did that." I scream back still running . "How is it my fault, you just jealous because I'm not gay." She screams so loud that the reception heard it. "No I'm not while yes I love you, you said the word infinity but because of your new husband you can't even notice the little things. He is cheating on you with his friend news flash that nigga is gay." I scream while tears began to roll down my face. "The word infinity was so many years ago, and what you fail to realize is that not everybody is a sinner like you." She says so low that only I can hear it. I take out a knife and recite the words she just said to her husband. "I love you for infinity." Then I slit my wrist and bleed out right on top of Janes white dress. But before I die I hear her say "it's you it's always been you." And at that moment I die happy.

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