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Adria tried not to think about anything other than finding her brother. Not about the memories, emotions, and fears threatened to break out of the mental prison she had built inside for the past 6 years. She stood for a few moments, to gather her composure, she knew she couldn't afford to go back in time, she had to focus on the present now, on being there for her only living family.

She failed.

All the grief and memories she tried to hold back, flooded all her senses. Unable to stand, she sank down on the damp ground with a distressing feeling.

Receiving the news of her parents' death...

The endless nights of the extended family arriving to express their heartfelt condolences...

Unknown people taking them out of their home to a stranger's house...

The funeral...

The sense of abandonment as no families came forward to take them in...

The empty feeling inside her...

The recurring sight of her brother overcome with grief and sorrow...

Determined, she got up and locked away all those memories, and focused on finding Felix. She strode over to the only place she could think of. The garden.

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