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No, No, No!!!

A 10-year-old Adria sat motionless on the plush sofa, unable to digest the news... She vaguely heard her brother Felix murmuring the same words over and over again...

No, No, No...

Why? Why did they leave? Why did they leave us alone? The same questions keep swirling around in her head. She sees Felix abruptly stand up and walk to the television, where it was still showing the car crash on repeat. Just half an hour before, she was scrolling through the channels without anything else to do, when she saw her mother's name on the news alongside her picture... Thinking that they must be showing another one of her many achievements, she was shocked to see a car crash next... She just had enough energy left to call for her brother. She didn't believe the words the news reporter said.

"...Adora and Hugo Christen were the ...victims ...dead. The cause of death is yet to be found ...two children ...orphans, Adria and Felix Christen. My heartfelt condolences... Gabrielle March, signing off."

Felix reached the TV and did something that hadn't been very surprising. He kicked, hit, and punched it. Then he broke down, and no one has been able to "fix" him ever since.

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