Chapter 2

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"God help me the day I have kids." Jake stated to Rooster thinking we couldn't hear them talking. Maria exchanged a look with you that seemed apologetic to you.

"Sorry" she mouthed as you shook your head saying it's fine.

"I say the same thing. I couldn't imagine doing the same thing to my kid. Growing up without my dad was..well is the worst." He admitted. Your heart twinged hearing his words. He now could freely and openly admit to the pain he had been through. Every now and then you still heard him call for Goose in his sleep. You knew it still haunted him but you wanted a family with the man you married. He made you feel so fulfilled and so happy that you couldn't help but have those thoughts. And now that you'd had permanently hung up your wings it was naturally the next step in your mind. Hearing your husband say otherwise really put things in perspective for you. There was going to be a problem the two of you were not on the same page. You took a long sip of the beer in front of you. Rooster placed a large hand on your bare thigh making you tingle and also seethe in rage. You had lots to say to the pilot but it would have to wait for later. You had felt like you had been punched in the gut. And quite honestly betrayed. You cleared your throat and stuffed your feelings down swiftly.

"You alright sweetheart?" Rooster asked in your ear.

"Everything's fine Roose. My food was just a little too spicy." You lied punching the words out with a sharp tone. He rubbed your shoulders completely oblivious to what you were trying to get across, I'm upset don't touch me. He went right back to talking with Jake about the new training regiment he was implementing with the pilots. He and Mav put it together to try to prepare them better for pulling G's. You couldn't complain because it meant more time that Rooster was putting in at the gym and his body was definitely showing the results. Now Rooster was always in top shape before but now he had ascended to a whole new level.

By the time you had reached home you still couldn't manage to quiet the angry voice in your head and in fact it was growing louder. You were turning down the end getting ready for sleep when you picked up the throw pillow and launched it at Bradley. He caught it easily and gave you a confused look. "What have I done now?" He wondered. Clearly he had no idea what came out of his mouth earlier.

You clenched your jaw, "You don't want kids?!" You screeched. His face had total shock on it at your tone.

"Not right now I don't Duchess! I thought we were on the same page. Where is this coming from?" He asked as he put his pillows in the spot he wanted them.

"It just surprised me is all Rooster." You tried to defuse your own bomb before setting his off.

"You know what happened to me why would I want that for my kid babe? Why?!" He asked loudly. You could hear the frustration and pain in his voice.

"You're not the only one who lost a parent in the air." You pointed out, "I want a life with you Bradley. A whole life. Maybe we shouldn't have rushed getting married so fast." You grumbled. His eyebrows knit together.

"I don't regret it. I won't ever regret it. So don't try to push it there Duchess." He warned with a low growl in his throat. His cheek was beginning to heat up exposing a small patch of pink flesh. One of the many tells that Bradley Bradshaw was losing his temper.

"Just shut up and hold me. We'll talk about this later." You demanded after staring at him and weighing your next step heavily.

"So you regret marrying me?" He asked his voice so unsure and broken.

"Please don't ask such stupid questions this late at night Rooster. I could never regret it." You answered truthfully as you laid on his chest. He sighed a sigh of relief. He seemed to have been holding breath this entire time waiting on your answer, "you silly aviator. Theres no way I'd regret it." You mumbled sleepily. He squeezed you tightly into his body holding you closely. He then picked up the remote, getting ready to indulge in his latest habit, watching moves late into the early morning hours. Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw had something on his mind. Something he was keeping from you.

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