Chapter 6

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"Rooster! Rooster! Rooster!" Coyote chanted as he slammed the empty larger than life mug on the bar top. "Rooster! Rooster! Rooster!" He began to shake his shoulders as he danced to his name being called. You laughed as you watched your husband make a spectacle of himself. It made you happy to see. You loved how incredibly goofy he really was. He suppressed all of that through what's spending it being so angry. You felt slightly dizzy and sat down grabbing your stomach. "You alright cupcake?" Penny asked from behind the bar.

"I think I need to eat!" You shouted over the loud crowd.

"No worries! I'll have Jason cook you up something in the back" she told you with a wink. You returned your attention back you tour friends as you watched them party. You were definitely missing that carefree feeling but knowing what was growing inside you gave you that grounding feeling. A plate of sizzling bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers landed in front of you. Your eyes widened in excitement. You reached with a raving heart to grab one and was intercepted as Rooster swooped in and grabbed one for himself. "God damnit Rooster!" You cursed his name. He just gave you a cheeky smile as he choked down the snack. You went for another piece when Coyote did the same. "I hate you guys!!! Have I ever told you that!" You screamed into the air.

"You couldn't love us more babe" rooster said slinging his arm around you and hiccuping.

"God babe you're so drunk already!" You exclaimed.

Rooster could barely see two feet in front of him when he felt a turn in his emotions but he kept walking towards the back door to the Hard Deck. He could see the beach close by and wanted to head towards the water. Something was calling him there. He was becoming more and more anxious and afraid and he needed something to ground him. He felt incredibly lost in the moment. "Excuse me have you seen my dad?" He asked a stranger on his way out. She shook her No and shrugged her shoulders as if to say sorry. "Bob!" Rooster yelled as he ran up to him outside. "Where's my dad? He should be here! He'd be so proud of me." Rooster told his friend before sauntering off towards the salty water. Bob had a serious look on his face. He walked quickly inside where you were walking slowly towards Penny.

"Duchess!" He yelled. Bob rarely yelled so the sound scared you. He ran up to you and lowered his mouth to your ear. Penny watched as his lips moved and your expression went from curiosity to 'oh shit'. You walked as fast as possible now that jogging felt a bit too awkward with your belly sticking out. Bradley was sitting on the sand staring out at the horizon. You approached him carefully. Even under the influence of all this alcohol he was still heavily trained in combat. His face was dead as you looked across it for a sign. Your Rooster was gone. He had nothing but anger and pain in his eyes. He said nothing. You didn't want to be the first one to break the silence either. Your heart ran fast.

He sobbed, "I can't -I can't find my dad!" He said in your shirt as he cried uncontrollably. His whole body was shaking. You embraced him the best you could but his shoulders were so broad and you were not as agile as before. You saw motion in the corner of your eye and spotted Maverick heading your way. You held up a hand and told him to stop, shaking your head for the added effect. This was a dangerous place to be right now. They had just gotten their relationship together you didn't want drunken anguish to ruin it. You were on your knees protecting him the best you could. You looked back at Bob who was standing there trying to decide how to help you.

"I think we should go home Rooster." You said softly in his ear. He sniffled and let you lift him to his feet. To be fair he didn't most of the heavy lifting even as drunk as he was he was so cautious around your current health state. Bob walked behind you as Bradley stagger stepped his way to the car. You hopped in the driver seat and gave Bob the all clear signal you would normally dish out on the taxiway. He gave you a small nod and went back inside the bar. You checked your phone as Rooster sloppily put his seat belt on.

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