4. Decisions

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Asher was still pale, the image of Will going back for seconds and then thirds at The Hut still fresh in his mind. Hannah and Maggie had tried to stop him since they all planned to train together soon after, but he refused.

"It's like every time we go there his capacity for food wildly increases."

Maggie laughed, throwing her head back. "Well, he's a Core and comes from a powerful bloodline. What do you expect?"

"You guys don't even start full-time training until tomorrow. I'm afraid of what he's going to be like then."

"His mentor is a tough guy," Maggie lazily kicked rocks to the side of the path as they walked. "We only have six months left, so he'll be pushing Will harder than ever. All of the mentors will be working us to the bone."

Asher sighed and shoved his freezing hands in his pockets. Darkness was beginning to take over the sky, allowing the moon and stars to shine above them. Everyone had plans to go to the CK complex's training grounds. If Asher and Maggie didn't have the connections with the others, they normally would be stuck using the village's training center, which was nothing less than pathetic. However, unlike the others now, Asher had work in the morning. He had no intention of staying the night either. So, he offered to at least walk Maggie over to the complex, which she quickly agreed to.

There was something there, they both knew it. Asher had been aware of it long before her since her head had always been filled with her plans in the Capitol. One day it seemed to click for her, maybe when she gave thought to how they would be apart one day due to their different life choices. Yet, neither said a word. It was as though there was a silent agreement. There was no point in venturing down that path. One day very soon, they would either be apart, or one of them would be dead.

Asher glanced down, suddenly realizing that Maggie had linked her arm with his while he had been lost in thought. He smirked, noticing that she was humming a lazy tune as she watched the stars. The cool evening had brought a rosy tone to her cheeks and nose. She glanced at him, making him turn his gaze forward quickly out of reflex, his heart fluttering for a moment.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked after a while.

"You just did."

"It's not a fun question. It's a serious one."

"Oh," he mumbled. The small smile that had been on his face faltered.

Maggie paused for a moment, organizing her words. "Tell me again, what made you decide not to participate in the Trial?"

Asher squeezed his eyes shut for just a moment, trying to keep his level of frustration to a minimum. Maggie had never been able to wrap her head around his choice, but her reason for this reoccurring question went deeper than that. She needed to hear his reasons, over and over again, to confirm for herself that he was happy with his decision. That he was confident in himself. She wanted constant confirmation that he would be okay alone. He had never been completely alone before, but there were a few things he could assure her of. And each time she asked, he did.

"Even if I started training when you all did, I still wouldn't be good enough for the Trial," he said confidently, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. She was staring ahead and listening intently to his words.

"I'm not like you guys" Asher continued. "Sure, Will has said before that I might be more capable than I think. I've never actually tried to find out if he's right. I've only ever sparred with you guys, though I don't particularly like it. I do it to help further your training, I want to help you guys in any way I can. Even though I fall a lot and get my ass kicked -"

"You make yourself sound so much weaker than you are," She fussed, the corner of her mouth upturning slightly.

He smiled in return, squeezing her closer to his side. "Maybe, but I know my place. It's here in Haven, working alongside the other villagers and doing whatever I can to make this place a little less miserable. I trust my gut, and it has always told me that I'm not meant for the Trial, much less to live in the Capitol. It wouldn't bring me anything that I don't already have here."

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