Part 7

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Perviously on An Invite To The Jungle

Ryder: '' Thanks Chase! ''


After Ryder has sing to himself Carlos was so madly in love with Ryder now. After that they spent the remainder of their time in the Jungle. On the last day, they started packing up as to get a head start on the road.

Ryder and the Pups enjoyed their time in Jungle but they had to go back to do their jobs. Even Ryder was sad to go back but went anyway but without kissing Carlos on the lips.


Tracker: '' Do you guys have to go back...? ''

Chase: '' Yes Tracker we do have to go back! ''

Tracker: '' Aww.... ''

Leo: '' Tracker you know you can always vist us right? ''

Tracker: '' Yes I know... ''

Skye: '' Plus we could if we have the time to come see you. ''

Traker: '' Ohh alright then. ''

The Pups and Cats continue to to talk and play while Ryder and Carlos are 'talking.'

(Meanwhile with Ryder and Carlos.)

Carlos: '' Why do you have to leave... '' Carlos said while pulling Ryder close to him.

Ryder: '' Becaues the town needs the Paw Patrol and their leader! ''

Carlos: '' I wish you would stay, I really love having you here! ''

Ryder: '' So do I! ''

They both look in to eachother eyes while getting closer to eachother. A moment later they are kissing. Ryder was gently push-up agains a well, not knowing that Chase walked in on them getting hot with eachother.

Chase: '' Ryder!? Carlos!? ''

The two broke apart once they heared Chase voice.

Ryder and Carlos: '' Chase!?!?! ''


Harry Potter. Who likes it? I also change the song above.

 Who likes it? I also change the song above

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Facts or not?

Facts or not?

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Ryder x Carlos/Chase x TrackerWhere stories live. Discover now