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You were in the middle of getting ready to go out with some of your friends. You decided to put on a laced black push up corset top, black low rise jeans with a belt, and some random high top converses you found. You had some bracelets and earrings on along with a necklace that had a heart charm on it that Dustin bought you for your birthday recently.

Once you were finished getting ready you couldn't find your walkman. And you knew sometimes your step brother would go into your room to snoop around. Frustrated, you left your room and flung open Dustin's bedroom door. "Dustin! Did you take my walkman!" Everyone jumped as they were startled by your sudden entrance. "Jesus Christ at least knock next time you almost gave us all a heart attack." You rolled your eyes at his statement before he said again, "just check in one my draws it should be there." You sighed and walked over to his drawers near his desk and mumbled, "I knew you took it you little shit." He rolled his eyes then carried on talking to his friends.

You noticed a black curly haired guy with a hellfire shirt on looking at you in the corner of your eye. You looked turned your head to the side to look at him and he quickly turned his head to face the other boys that were talking. He looked about 19 or something so you were wondering why he was hanging with kids who were 15-16 years old, but brushed it off because that's not your business.

You found your walkman and stood up just to find that same guy looking at you. "Eddie, stop gawking at my sister it's gross." Eddie huh? Suits a guy like him. "Shut up Henderson I wasn't looking at anyone." You scoffed before saying, "yes you were don't deny it. By the way mom left so she left money downstairs for all of you to order some pizza." You went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek leaving a big nude lip gloss stain on his cheek. "Have fun losers", you said jokingly before leaving. Eddie's mouth was slightly open and he sat silently for a moment before saying, "fuck Henderson your sister's hot."


You were sat outside in a park watching the sunset with Robin, Steve, Nance, and another male friend. "So 'Liyah wanna hang out tomorrow just me and you?" Your other male friend Sam asked. He'd almost always be hitting on you and he had been since you moved in with your new family almost 9 months ago. "I don't know.. I have stuff to do tomorrow. I'll see if I'm free the day after if you'd like?" You saw him pout slightly then he nodded before responding sadly, "yeah sure it's... it's alright." You and Robin looked at each other and smirked - as you both knew he fancied you - then you two looked away and stared up at the sky.

Since you were basically a young adult now you had more freedom than you usually did have. You and your group of friends stayed out until roughly 11pm then Steve offered to drive you home. Nancy put on the radio and you all yelled-sung to music and weren't driving that cautiously which almost got youse in trouble a few times.

You made it home and said goodbye to your friends and thanked Steve then opened the door to your house. "Fucking hell", you cursed out into the dark as all the lights were off and you couldn't find the light switch. You ruffled around in your pocket and found a lighter and clicked it on so you could actually try and see where you were going. The flame lit and you almost walked into a figure in front of you causing you to scream and making the figure in front of you also yell. You almost fell and was quickly caught while the lights turned on.

It was Eddie. 'Of course it's him,' you thought in your head. "Oh my God Eddie you almost gave me a heart attack!" You scolded him while getting back onto your feet trying to catch your breath. "It's not my fault! Maybe you should've said that you were in the house!" You rolled your eyes while walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Hey Eddie do you want water?" "Sure" he said while walking up to you. He gently took the glass from your hand and basically inhaled it in a matter of seconds. He quickly rinsed the cup and put it on the drying rack on the sink before asking you, "Aaliyah, are you still coming to play dnd with us tomorrow?" You put your cup down before responding, "yes of course. I'm looking forward to it actually. I already know how to play it." He looked at you surprised and asked, "wait really?! That's so cool. Also may I ask do you also listen to metal music?"

"Of course I do! I need to show you my room when you come back over tomorrow I have so many posters of metallica..kiss..black sabbath all that." He smiled widely like he was so proud of you before happily saying, "alright! I'll be looking forward to that. But I need to go so can I have your number so we can like... call or something?" You nodded and wrote down your number on a piece of paper from the kitchen junk draw. "Alright thank you. See you tomorrow!" He said while smiling. "Wait wait, can I have a hug before you go?" "Sure c'mere." You went up to him and he brought you in for a hug. He walked out the door after and left you smiling like a little girl as you walked up the stairs.

You were stopped halfway up the stairs by your little sibling standing in front of you. "Don't think I didn't see that! I saw.. everything." "Oh shut up Dustin I'm an adult I can do what I want." You said while pushing past him. "Watch tomorrow! Just watch!" He yelled up the stairs, "yeah whatever! It's past your bedtime anyways shut up!" You yelled back.

You waited for 30-40 minutes before dialing Eddie's number. He answered soon after you called him. "Hello?" "Hi Eddie. I'm sure you know who it is", you basically 'heard' him grin from the other line before he responded saying, "of course I do beautiful. How are you?"

The pair of you spoke over the phone for ages until early hours in the morning. You actually liked talking to Eddie he was a chill guy. You never really talked to him for the longest for some reason. But even talking to him in the kitchen made you feel like you two had more in common than you both thought. Since you were tired you turned your lights off and drifted off to sleep possibly thinking about the tall dark haired boy you had just been talking to...


I really hope this book will b better than the other book i have just finished soo yeah! I'll try update everyday or at least a few chapters a day so yeah!


eddie munson hive rise xx

tysm for reading

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