7 0 0

You and the rest of the group had been with Eddie for a hours now. Sometimes a few people would leave to be on look out for a bit and get some food and drinks so you didn't all starve and die from thirst, but it was starting to get dark. "Hey guys, don't you think we should get going before it get's too dark?" Nancy asked. You all agreed before Dustin interjected. "Hey hey! Wait! Eddie can't stay here on his own! Someone needs to stay with him for the night until we come here again tomorrow or something." "So who's gonna stay here then?" Max asked while walking to the door. The group all turned to face you.

"What.? Oh my God why do I have to stay here? No offence Ed but this place is so.. tight and we're running out of food 'n shit!" "D'you wanna sleep out in the lake instead? Plenty of room there and free water all around you gorgeous" Eddie said as-a-matter-of-factly. You rolled your eyes and said that you'd stay with him. The others said goodbye to the both of you then you went to sit down next to the curly haired boy.

You exhaled and rubbed your face. He was staring at you so you looked back at him and asked 'what?' while chuckling slightly. He played it off then he placed his head in your lap. You started to play with his hair. "I noticed you have on my jacket Liyah." "Yeah I kind of missed you and it made me feel a bit better when I was scared shitless of what happened to you", he looked up at you and asked 'really?' not knowing if you were being for real or not. You nodded moving some hair from near his eyes. "Eddie.."
"Hmm?" "Where are we gonna sleep tonight?" He sat up for a second to look around and pointed out the boat in the middle of the room that had almost enough space for 2 people to lay down in. You grimaced at the cobwebs inside the boat before rolling your eyes and agreeing to sleep in there with him.

You sat distanced from Eddie as he got an oar and removed all the cobwebs. He motioned that it was alright and you could join him to get some rest. He stepped aside as he let you get inside then you shuffled over so he could lay next to you. "Ugh Eddie this is so tight!" He smirked before whispering in a sing-song tone, "that's what she said", you hit him on his chest before he chuckled and said seriously, "look, I don't know what you want me to do. It's either this where we're snuggled together or you sleep on the grass outside. Way more spacious and softer." You got a bit comfier and told him to shut up. He started to stroke your back lightly to help you get to sleep and put his jacket over you as you started to doze off. "Goodnight Liyah", he paused for a second before whispering "I love you".


You and Eddie had woken up hours ago after constantly getting scared hearing vehicles near the area. He was sat in your lap as you played with his hair. The pair of you were really hungry since it was the afternoon and you two were barely surviving on scraps from last night and 2 bottles of water. "Eddie when do you think we'll be able to actually... y'know leave?" He sighed before looking up at you and and answering your question, "I don't know. But hopefully the others will be able to help us and get outta here without getting caught or something." You nodded and got back to messing with his hair.

Occasionally you'd get up to see if anyone was outside just to be safe but there never was anyone there. Sometimes you'd silently weep because you were so scared for Eddie - who you really liked - and you didn't know if Jason and his friends were on the way to hunt you both down.

He got up and sat beside you leaning his head on your shoulder. "Aaliyah, if I said I liked you what would you say?" Your heart dropped and you couldn't figure out what to say for a second before getting your words out. "I mean I'd say that I like you too because I do. Why?" "Because I like you why else? Like... I want you to be my girlfriend." He took his head off your shoulder and turned to face you. "So what do you say?"
"I uh... I say yes!" His face lit up and took you in for a kiss immediatley. You leaned back slightly making you eventually lay on your back as he towered over you...
(A/n idk how to end this paragraph so imma end it there!)


It was evening and you were in the middle of taking a nap when you woke up to the sound of Eddie speaking on his walkie talkie. "Dustin can you hear me? Earth to Dustin?!" You heard Nancy on the other line, "Hey its Nancy!" "Wheeler! Hey um me and Liyah are gonna need a food delivery like really soon, unless you want me going out into the real world." "No no no! Don't do that. We'll come as soon as possible just stay where you are."

"Yeah yeah. Also can you bring me a six pack? I know it's stupid as shit drinking right now but it'll really calm my jingled nerves." You sat up and Eddie came over to give you a kiss then sat on the floor near you. "Hey I'm gonna have to call you back." "Hey hey Wheeler.. Don't you da.. Wheeler?!" Laughing at him you said to him, "save it. She's already cut the line there's no point trying." He threw the walkie at you and told you to shut up jokingly. "Ow! That hurt Munson!" Standing up he stuck his tongue out at you while shaking his head. "I should smack that stupid look off your face." "Try me Morrison", you went to hit him then he quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you in, to the front of him.

"Get off me you shmuck!" He laughed at you while you basically tackled each other to the ground. You both stopped laughing and turned your heads when you heard a car pulling up nearby. You scurried off Eddie and you both ran up to the window. "Shit shit shit!" It was Jason and his friends heading over to the house. He grabbed the walkie and panickly whisper-yelled down it. "Hey, Dustin. You there? It's Eddie. You remember me, right? Hey, if anyone's there, I really think I might be in a bit of trouble here. Okay? Wheeler? Anybody?!" Nothing was working so you suggested to go outside to where the kanoos were.

You helped him get one onto the water as he helped you on and you both started rowing. The pair of you had just gotten into the deeper end of the lake when you heard yelling in the distance. "Hey freak!" You didn't know what to do and started to panic, "fuck fuck Eddie!" He whipped his head around and saw Jason and his friends taking their clothes off to get into the lake. "Fuck! Carry on rowing!" You rowed and worked your arms as fast as you could as Eddie tried getting the engine to work. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Trying to row faster you heard Eddie struggling behind you. "Come on! Just come on! You scared of some water? Let's go!" The engine spluttered failing to start. "Come on! You gotta help me out of here man!" He was basically begging for the dumb engine to work.

He eventually gave up but noticed Patrick and Jason getting closer to you two. Eddie picked up his oar and started waving it at the two boys yelling at them. "Hey stay back man! Stay back! Stay back!" Patrick stopped swimming and started to look around. "Patrick come on, we almost got them! Patrick? Patrick!" Patrick was then dragged underwater by something making you and Eddie look at each other then down at the lake trying to figure out what just happened. A moment or two later he submerged into the air by something making the boat tip over and you and Eddie fall into the water. You both came up and looked at the horrifying sight above you.

Every bone in Patrick's body started to snap just how Eddie described Chrissy's death. His eyes were then guaged out and he plummeted into the water. Your eyes widened and you froze breathing heavily not being able to process what you just witnessed. Jason yelled for his friend and went down to swim for his body.

You and Eddie both swam to shore quickly and he held you as you started to shake and basically have a panic attack. "Eddie.. Is..Is that what happened to Chrissy?" He looked out to the lake and back at you then nodded slowly. You were both distraught and didn't know what to do or say in the moment so you decided to go to a place Eddie usually went to.

Skull rock

This was a long chapter so i hope u liked it?

tysm for reading!!


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