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- We're in the Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County. We don't have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not released the name. although we are told they're currently in the process of notifying the family...

You turned off the radio and slumped back into your as Steve drived you, Dustin, Robin, Max, and Nancy to a location that wasn't familiar to any of you except Dustin. Apparently Eddie was the main suspect for the murdering of Chrissy. You found it so suspicious but you knew that he wouldn't kill an innocent girl like her or anyone for that fact. Steve placed a hand on your trembling leg and gave you a look of sincere. You slightly smiled at him and he kept his eyes on the road to carry on driving.

"I.. I just don't get it! Eddie wouldn't kill anyone! I don't know why they think he's guilty. He's one thousand percent innocent!" Dustin raged. You butted into the conversation and responded, "think about it. They have no real proof that it was him. No fingerprints on her body, no dna no nothing. The only reason he's the main suspect is because it was in his trailer while he was home alone with Chrissy. If wayne was there he would've been a suspect too but he's not because once again.. he wasn't there!" You said while making an explosion sound effect and motion with your hands.

"Y'know that actually makes more sense", steve interjected. You did a gesture to him as if to say 'see?' About 15 minutes later you all arrived to this place that was like a shed with a lake behind it where there was sort of kanoos, so you were thinking it may have been near a boathouse or something. "Uh guys, this seems sketchy.. Who's place even is this?" Robin asked while stopping in her tracks and looking around. "Robin c'mon you'll be fine. This is Reefer Rick's house. Eddie's drug supplier let's go." Dustin responded while you and the girls all looked at each other worriedly.

Dustin walked in first then Steve followed after and the rest of you when in after him. Once all of you were inside Steve picked up an oar and poking stuff. He went over to a tarp and started poking whatever was under it. "What are you doing?" Dustin asked Steve while furrowing his eyebrows, "so take the tarp off?" "If you're so brave you take the tarp off!" Steve rolled his eyes and carried on hitting everything. "He has to be in here somewhere" Dustin said while looking around desperately. Nancy spotted something and alerted everyone. "Hey, there's beer cans over there he was definitely here!" "Or he saw us and got scared off"

"Don't worry Steve will get him with his oar", Dustin said in a proud tone. "I know you think you're being funny, but considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slight-" Steve got cut off by something jumping out from under the tarp and slamming him into a wall. You quickly spun your head in the direction of where the noise was coming from.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Eddie! Eddie stop! Eddie!"
You saw and heard that it was Eddie which made you feel a bit relieved but you got a bit worried and frightened when you saw he had a sharp object right up against Steve's neck while staring at him intensely and breathing heavily.

"Eddie! It's me.. Its Dustin. This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you right Steve?" He nodded and said yes. "Steve why don't you drop the oar?" He did as he was told and Eddie's grip tightened on him once the oar hit the floor causing you all to panic slightly again. "What are you doing here.." Eddie asked in a low voice. "We were looking for you. We're here to help. These are my friends. You know Robin, from band!" She pretended to play and instrument then Eddie whipped his head around staring you all down. His eyes caught yours causing them to soften slightly as you gave him a little smile. "This is my friend Max y'know the one who never wants to play D&D and.. Aaliyah who you already know."

Dustin explained how the lot of you were only there to help him. He wasn't buying it at first so you all swore on his mother, making him relax slightly and move the object from Steve's throat and slump down onto the floor. Your brother tried to release the tension floating in the air by getting a bit closer to Eddie attempting to get him to say what happened. It wasn't working and he was really tense so Dustin motioned for you to try instead.

You went up to him and kneeled in front of him slowly. "Eddie.. we just want to talk. Give me tje bottle." He handed it you slowly and you took it and put it down beside you. "Listen. We just want to know what happened. Okay?" He looked up at you which is when you realised he was crying. You wiped his tears and whispered - yet loud enough for the other to hear - "you won't believe me." Max spoke up and said, "try us."


"And then her body just... lifted up in the air and uh.. She just like, hung there then her bones started to crack." He whimpered towards the end of the sentence making you stroke his hand and squeeze it a bit tighter. "And her eyes man. It was like, something was inside her head.. pulling. I didn't know what to do so I ran away. I left her there."

You all froze and looked at each other and back at him. He scoffed, "you all think I'm crazy right", you shook your head and said, "no! We don't think your crazy!" He left go of your hand and rubbed his face in frustrastion, "don't bullshit me man! I know how this sounds." Everyone said that they agreed with him until Dustin started to reveal something about Hawkins.

"Look, what I'm about to tell you.. may be a little difficult to take in but..You know how people say Hawkins is... cursed?" You all nodded before he started again. "They're not way off. There's another world, hidden beneath hawkins and it sometimes bleeds into ours." Eddie slightly chuckled, "what like ghosts 'n shit?" Everyone looked at him seriously which made him get the hint. "There's some things worst than ghosts. These, monsters from this other world."

Max finished off his sentence, "we thought they were gone but they've come back before. That's why we needed to find you because if they're back again we need to know.." You and Eddie had the same expression on your faces; confusion and everything above fear. "Y'know, I tried to wake her up but she couldn't move. Like she was in a.. a trance of some sort." You finally clocked what was going on, "or under a spell."

"A curse.. Vecna's curse", Dustin whispered before Robin asked who Vecna was. "An undead creature of great power. A spell caster... A dark wizard." You clocked what was going on after ages of going back and forth with each other trying to understand what was going on.


Tysm for reading!! 

(idk what else to put lmfao)


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