Chapter 2

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5 months later...

She didn't know what was drawing her back to that place. At first, she told herself it was to one-up Victoria once again, to take one more thing from her. But that wasn't it. Maybe, Jack, her childhood crush turned best friend's widower. No, that couldn't be it. She tried justifying it as one last summer of revenge, but the truth was much darker and she wasn't ready to admit it to herself yet...

Emily hadn't set foot back in the Hamptons in five months. She had tied all the loose ends before committing Victoria to the looney bin. And now she was coming back for her final revenge. One last thing had to still be taken away from the Graysons. The state had seized all of their assets, all but one that had remained in Victoria's name. One she no longer could afford with her bank account drained. Emily had bought it three months prior. She could've claimed it then and there, but she had waited for her situation to show for her last bow. After all, the only person who still lived in that mansion was her ex-husband. The man she had once loved, then despised, then pitied and who she now hated with a passion, well mostly. He had after all given her the biggest gift of all.
Emily unlocked the door to her beach house. Everything was still just as it was the night she left. All her furniture was covered in drapes to keep the dust from settling in. Everything was still as she had left it, except one. The couch she had found Aiden on had been replaced. It was the one piece of furniture that hadn't been covered, Emily guessed it must have been placed there in the last 24 hours as no dust had settled on it. The person who had done so left a note on the new piece. She sat on her new couch and opened the little white car.

To keep bad memories at bay

Emily knew this had to be Nolan's doing. Since he had learned about her condition, Nolan had done everything to keep Emily at peace. He knew she needed his help more than ever even if she continued to lie to herself.

"Thank you, Nolan," she whispered to herself.

She had indeed feared coming back to this place only to be shattered by the memory of that evening when she had lost the person she loved. The person she had planned a future with, to have children with. With this thought, Emily rubbed her belly. She hated having these thoughts knowing the child she was carrying wasn't Aiden's. She had questioned herself a lot at the beginning of her pregnancy. Could she really love a child who had been conceived with the person she hated? But at the end of the day, this was her only chance to have what she had always dreamed of: a family.


Daniel had been made aware that he would have to vacate Grayson Manor by the end of the week. He had already been graciously offered to stay 3 months following the sale of his home. Some company had bought the damned house, probably more for the land than the structure in itself. He had then expected to be thrown out of his childhood home in the following weeks if not days, but the buyer had offered for him to stay until he could come in person. And that time had come. Daniel had been patiently waiting for most of the day for the new owner of Grayson Manor. He expected them to show up at any moment now. He had never particularly liked this home that had been his mother's prized possession. But now that he was leaving it, he felt nostalgic. At least now this cursed place would be someone else's problem.

Emily had driven to the manor for once. She had chosen the path from where Daniel wouldn't be able to see her before she was ready to show herself. As she walked up the stairs to the front door, Emily made sure that not one single piece of fabric was out of place. She was going to put on a show and she was ready to make her entrance and shatter Daniel's little world. This was the last nail in the coffin of what was once the great Grayson dynasty.

A knock on the door brought Daniel back to the present. This was it. He was finally meeting the mystery man who had taken an interest in his home. Daniel looked around one last time at this empty house which would now be someone else's property. He opened the big red door and to his surprise stood his ex-wife. Daniel's face immediately formed into a grimace. He had thought her gone for good. Was the humiliation at the hands of himself and his mother last summer not been enough for her?

Scars of our Love (A Revenge Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant