Chapter 4

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this one was hard to write, I'm not going to lie. I knew where I was going, but getting there was difficult.
a shorter chapter for you all, I hope you still like it.
the next one should not take me as long to write

Emily had made one mistake when she came back to the Hamptons, and it was a crucial one. She hadn't kept up with Jack. Maybe it was by the fear of what he'd think once he would learn about her condition and once he'd also learn who had been responsible for it. But she had to admit that part of her also wanted to forget about Jack. Before Aiden had come to help her, Jack had been who she imagined spending her life with after she was done with the Graysons, and once Aiden came around, she realized she needed more than what Jack could offer her. She needed someone who had the same fire inside of them that burned inside of her, someone she could relate to, and it was no longer Jack. He represented her past, and Aiden her future. And now that was no longer true. Aiden was gone and Jack could not replace him. By avoiding him and any news related to him, Emily had been able to keep those thoughts away. And now, she'd hurt him.

She told herself that she should've told him when she found out. He should've been one of the first to know, before Daniel at least. But he'd already left the Hamptons for the police academy by the time she had found out she was pregnant last November. He'd left town and she had done so too. Jack didn't call her, he didn't bother to keep up with how she was doing after losing Aiden and so she hadn't bothered to tell him or keep him up to date on her life. It had now come back to bite them both. Jack was hurt, and Emily felt bad. She couldn't help but feel it should be the other way around. She was the one who had lost a loved one and he was the one who'd ignored her all winter. Despite this, she knew that if they were to remain friends, she would have to be the one who would have to apologize.

Jack's bar was empty when she arrived. He'd closed it off last winter and hadn't seemed keen to reopen it with the summer coming. He was alone packing up stuff in boxes. Emily shouldn't be surprised that he finally decided to sell after all this bar had seen, it probably reminded him of so many now painful memories with his father, Amanda and Declan.

"I see you're planning on leaving," Emily said as she entered the bar.

"Selling, actually," Jack responded. He didn't even look at her.

"That's a big step Jack, are you sure?" Emily asked.

"There's nothing keeping me here," he said. "The money will go a long way for Carl and me."

Emily sat on a chair not far from Jack. She observed him packing what had been his life in boxes. She sat like that for a few minutes, looking at him and wondering when would be the right time to speak, what would be the right thing to say. Finally, Emily took a deep breath and broke the silence.

"I should've told you," Emily began. "I just didn't know how to. I had lost Aiden, and for a moment I thought I'd still have something of him, I just needed that for myself. But then I realized it couldn't be his and I was too ashamed to tell anyone. And I..."

"You told Nolan," Jack interrupted her. "And you had options," his tone was cold.

Emily was surprised by how harsh Jack was. She'd known him mad, but she'd never heard him talk to her quite like that. Like he was disgusted b the very thought of her. "I didn't. I don't. According to my doctor, there were very few chances that I could conceive after the shooting and even less that I could carry it. This is my only chance to have a family," Emily said almost pleadingly. She needed him to see her side, she needed him to come to terms with it.

"You could've tried again with someone other than him," Jack said, for the first time he looked at her. "He's the one who did this to you and you're having his child."

Scars of our Love (A Revenge Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz