chapter three

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“What’s wrong?” He asked, skewering his lettuce with a fork and taking a bite, munching on it contently.

Before Wei Wuxian could answer, Wen Qing beat him to it.


“Wei Wuxian is about to get fired.”

At that, Nie Huaisang’s mouth falls open in shock, dropping his fork onto the table and turning his wide eyes on Wei Wuxian.

“Oh no,” he practically whined. “Please don’t get fired. Who else will help me with work?”

Wei Wuxian smiled despite himself.

“Don’t worry I have every intention of not being fired. Also I’m sure you’ll find someone else to cover you for work.”

Nie Huaisang pouted all the same, probably thinking how he’d manage to keep his job once Wei Wuxian was gone. He had covered for Nie Huaisang more times than he could count.

Wei Wuxian is about to heave another sigh when Wen Chao’s nasal voice bursts through the break room like dropped cymbals, making Wei Wuxian jump in fright as he menacingly declares that lunch is over.

Collecting his phone and packing away his left over sandwich, Wei Wuxian stands and makes his way back to the office where his fate awaits.

He turns as he leaves the lunch room, winking at Wen Qing and Nie Huaisang.

“Who knows?” he said, “I might yet survive it but if not, Nie Huaisang you can have my computer chair. Make sure to wheel yourself down the corridor on my behalf.”

He spins round once again as he walks out, hearing Wen Qing shout, “it’s your own fault for sending a dick pic to Mr Lan!” Closely followed by a coughing sound as Nie Huaisang choked on his salad, squawking, “he did what?!”

For the first time in practically forever, Wei Wuxian actually does work.

Everyone is staring at him in disbelief as he fluidly types on his computer, sending this and that on time for once.

Wen Chao looks like he’s about to have a heart attack he’s that shocked. (If this is Wei Wuxian’s last day at least he can go happy knowing he killed Wen Chao).

Truth be told, Wei Wuxian was only doing work to distract himself from the worry that was continually gnawing at his insides.

He’d heard nothing all day what with Mr Lan being locked in his office since this morning.

Surely, Mr Lan would have called him in the moment he saw the message, the thought giving Wei Wuxian a little bit of comfort.

But it does little to calm Wei Wuxian’s slowly growing worry, his heart going ten mile an hour from panic.

Why couldn’t the guy get it over with and fire Wei Wuxian instead of dragging it out and prolonging his suffering. Was he secretly a sadist?

Everyone else at the office, apart from Nie Huaisang, Wen Qing and Wen Ning (his sister had deemed it her right to tell him about todays incident), was oblivious to Wei Wuxian’s internal struggle as he quickly reloaded paper into the printer.

Wei Wuxian needed to find a way out of this and soon before something happened.

It was nearing the end of the day when it happened.

Wei Wuxian had just shut off him computer, gathering his coat and bag to make his way down to the subway when a woman in all white sashayed across the office floor, politely ordering him to go to Mr Lan’s office as he wanted to speak with him on a private matter.

Wei Wuxian stood stock still, all the colour draining from his face as she spoke the words.

This was not happening! He could not be fired, he refused. Especially since he worked so damn hard at this job (well, at least today he had).

Despite his internal protests, he found himself walking to Mr Lan’s office, his feet moving of their own accord.

He ignored the sympathetic look Nie Huaisang sent him at he passed his desk, choosing instead to focus on calming his rapid heartbeat that thumped in his chest as if it were being chased.

By the time he reached the office door, Wei Wuxian was sure his heart would give out.

Thankfully it didn’t and he somehow managed to open the door with his clammy hands, stepping quickly over the threshold and closing the door behind him with a soft click.

And there, straight in front of him, at his desk and sitting ramrod straight in his chair, looking every inch the controlled and respected boss, was Mr Lan, gazing elegantly at his computer, a cool expression of indifference on his beautiful features.

Everything about him was neat and precise, making Wei Wuxian feel out of place in the white and modern office, hastily tucking his rumpled shirt in as he took a deep breath.

Wei Wuxian’s heart was going into overdrive.

Not only was his boss sitting there, probably preparing to fire him, but so was the guy he’d been secretly crushing on since he started working here. No one knew, except Yanli who he’d told when he got drunk one night, crying to her how much he liked his boss, the famous Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian, despite Yanli’s reassurance, knew it was a hopeless, unrequited love. He knew his boss, who barely even looked at him during meetings, would never feel the same way.

He’d accepted this at part of reality.

Still, it didn’t stop the little fantasies he often had when he was bored (which was majority of the time).

Like having Mr Lan take him against the window.

Or letting him ride in him his chair after Wei Wuxian had sucked him off under the desk.

Or having Mr Lan fuck him on the desk

Wei Wuxian stopped his train off thought.

He needed to stop having fantasies of the man that could fire him. It would not look good to have a boner at this moment.

Dispelling his inappropriate thoughts, Wei Wuxian took an unsteady step towards Mr Lan’s desk, his legs shaking from fear and nervousness.

Everything will be ok, he told himself as he neared the desk. I will explain. I will not get fired. I won’t!

He reached the desk, standing in front of it and Mr Lan clicked his mouse and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And kept waiting as Mr Lan scrolled through his compute, typing occasionally at the keys.

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