chapter four

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He reached the desk, standing in front of it and Mr Lan clicked his mouse and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And kept waiting as Mr Lan scrolled through his compute, typing occasionally at the keys.


The silence was getting oppressive now. Wei Wuxian felt like he was going to burst from his own skin if he waited any longer.

He knew it! He knew Mr Lan was secretly as sadist! Making him suffer by waiting till the end of the day and then again now just to torment him.

For what seemed like an eternity, Mr Lan eventually turned away from his computer and regarded Wei Wuxian with an expressionless face.

“Wei Ying,” Mr Lan said quietly, making Wei Wuxian’s knees go weak. Oh how he loved it when Mr Lan called him that, though he’d prefer him to moan it -

Wei Wuxian mentally chided himself for thinking such lewd thoughts while his boss was right there in front of him and staring a him.

“Wei Ying.”

Wei Wuxian jumped at the sound, finding Mr Lan standing next to him.

How the fuck did he move so quickly?

“Y-yes Lan Zhan?” Wei Wuxian stuttered out feebly, his voice hoarse and close to a whisper from shear panic.

Oh he was definitely fired. No way was he getting out of this one. Especially from the way Mr Lan was looking at him with his pupils dilated, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides as though he was not sure what to do with them, his mouth set in a thin line -

Then said mouth was coming up to his own and kissing him!

Wei Wuxian’s eyes widened in shock as Lan Wangji’s warm mouth kissed his own, his boss’s hands coming hesitantly onto his waist as though unsure of where to put them.

For a moment Wei Wuxian just stood there, letting the older man kiss him and allowing his slow brain to catch up on what the actual fuck was happening.

It was a full five seconds before Wei Wuxian moved.

He opened his mouth, using his tongue to run along the seam of Lan Wangji’s lips and deftly opening them, deepening the kiss and drawing a muffled groan from his boss.

If this was how Wei Wuxian was going to get fired then what a way to go!

Lan Wangji lightly traced his hands up and down Wei Wuxian’s clothed sides, sending ripples of goose bumps along his skin.

This couldn’t be happening, he thought even as Lan Wangji sucked his tongue. He had passed out somewhere, drunk probably and lost in his fantasy of his boss taking an interest in him.

Lan Wangji suddenly biting his lip then soothing it with his tongue thoroughly convinced Wei Wuxian he was not in fact dreaming at all.

It was real! This was all really happening!

None of Wei Wuxian’s fantasies could compare to this, kissing Lan Wangji in the middle of his office where anyone could walk in, all paled in comparison.

Eventually, they parted for oxygen, their lips slick and swollen from kissing, their faces painted with a faint red blush and panting into each other, Wei Wuxian chasing Lan Wangji’s kissable lips.

Instead of reigniting the kiss, Lan Wangji gently lifted Wei Wuxian’s chin with his fingers, favouring to leave open mouthed kisses on his now exposed neck making Wei Wuxian moan in want.

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