7. The Impossible Planet Pt.2

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Just after Sky had finished skim reading every file she could be bothered to get access to, the base crew had started to explain things to them a little more finally.

"That's the black hole." Zach nodded towards the hologram being projected in the centre of the control panel, in the centre of them.

"Officially designated K three seven Gen five." Sky mumbled just loud enough for the other to hear and and to have the Captain confirm it.

"Ye-yeah. How did you know?" Both Zach and Ida looked at each other and then back to the woman.

"It's on your system." They missed the Doctors's coy smile and shook the worry from their heads. All that they were about to tell them, every little detail already rested inside her head ready to be accessed by her...and him, if he needed and she allowed.

As Ida carried on, telling tales of scriptures of the Falltino and bitter pills of poison, the Doctor pushed on that buzz a little harder in his mind. She felt it and let him pass, giving access to the data she herself had highlighted as a priority during her download.

Once Ida finished the Doctor left, taking some data with him. A little gift from her end,

"We are so far out. Lost in the drifts of the universe. How did you even get here?!" The Doctor exclaimed, looking at the hologram of the black hole Zach had brought up for them.

"We flew in. You see, this planet's generating a gravity field. We don't know how. We've no idea. But it's kept in constant balance against the black hole. And the field extends out there as a funnel. A distinct gravity funnel, reaching out into clear space. That was our way in."

"You flew down that thing? Like a roller coaster." Rose grinned, seemingly unable to grasp the seriousness.

"By rights, the ship should have been torn apart. We lost the Captain, which is what put me in charge."

"You're doing a good job." Ida responded reassuringly but he didn't seem to buy what she was saying.

"Yeah, well, needs must."

"But if that gravity funnel closes, there's no way out." Danny informed from his station.

"We had fun speculating about that." Scooti smiled.

"Oh, yeah. That's the word. Fun." They all seemed so calm, it was strange. Humans were strange but this was beyond strange. They should be dead, but here they were.

"But that field would take phenomenal amounts of power." The Doctor shook his head. "I mean not just big, but off the scale! Can I?" He asked, referring to the controls.

"Sure. Help yourself." Ida smiled and passed him a calculator, beginning to talk about their findings more with the Doctor.

Sky, already having seen it all and not wanting to hear it again, was in her own little world when an Ood came over with two cups. "Your refreshments." He said and passed one cup to Rose and one to Sky.

"Oh, Thanks." Sky smiled, taking the drink.

"Thank you. I'm sorry, what was your name?" Rose asked nervously, eyes still roaming over the new face.

"We have no titles. We are as one." The Ood answered and then walked back to their work.

"Er, what are they called?" Rose asked Sky curiously.

"Oh, come on. Where have you been living? Everyone's got one." Danny jumped in as Sky opened her mouth to answer.

"Well, not me, so, what are they?" Rose shook her head.

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