Friday: Underwater Flames

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"Oh my God, the light of a thousand suns!" Troye hissed theatrically, using his arms to shield his fair skin from the evilly brilliant daylight.

Face protected by the rim of his SnapBack, Connor laughed. "Calm yourself, Edward Cullen." He quipped, locking the apartment door behind them. "If you didn't want me to see you shine and sparkle like a Barbie hooker, you shouldn't have come to California in the first place."

Whelmed by his chirpy, rascally mood, Troye scoffed as he adjusted his extremely hipster sunglasses. "Oh my dear, sweet Connie. Don't you see?" He said with mock pompousness, placing his arm in the crook of Connor's elbow. "I've made a grand sacrifice for you!"

Connor smiled, too tickled to even roll his eyes. "And what is this sacrifice you speak of?"

Troye tilted up his chin, wagging his finger matter-of-factly. "I'm letting you bring me into the malicious outdoors, even if it means I drop dead on the sidewalk after the sun burns me to a crisp."

Connor laughed out loud. "I don't think a sunburn can cause immediate death, you drama queen."

"I have sensitive skin, like a baby." Troye pouted. "But maybe that explains why I'm so adorable."

Troye grinned cutely, tilting his head to one side with his hand flat under his chin. "Hey, that's my pose!" Connor giggled, jovially shoving Troye aside. It was an intensely sunny day, and something about a Nutella-based breakfast and vitamin D soaked air made all their edginess fade away. Troye laughed loudly and tugged Connor by the waist, swinging him into a position that had him crushed up against the cream painted brick wall. "Ow. Enthusiastic much?" Connor chuckled quietly, before letting himself be pressed in further by a kiss. Reality had set in all right; they were officially in the honeymoon stage.

After the kissing past the three minute point, Connor pushed his palms against Troye's chest. Troye whimpered for more, but secretly adored the puckering sound of their lips detaching.

"You do realize that we have dinner reservations in two hours, right?" Connor raised an eyebrow, "And don't you want to hit the beach first?"

Troye scrunched up his face and tilted his hand back and forth in an ish gesture. Connor shoved him playfully away from the wall, but laced their fingers together tenderly. With a gentle force, he pulled Troye's limb straight, tugging him along. Troye loved the feeling of Connor's thin digits against the webbing of his fingers; it felt like an emotional correlation, fused into a physical action. A connection that stayed intact, even though Connor let go as soon as they emerged from the privacy of the walkway. Troye reached to take it back, but Connor took a step to the side, slipping his hand deep into his pocket, pretending to be looking for his keys. The keys, in fact, were in his other hand all along, and he opened the passenger door for Troye, smiling almost apologetically.

Troye moved in to kiss his cheek, thinking Connor's sudden shyness was all in his head, but Connor turned away. The smile slipped right off of his face. "We're friends, okay." He said anxiously, looking behind him and left and right. "Friends don't kiss."

They shut themselves inside the car, Troye's head reeling because what the hell? But then remembered, and he understood: in the confines of cosseted havens, they were lovers but, to the public eye, they were no more than friends. Only now did Troye realize how lucky he was that Connor, impaired by nervous adrenaline, had agreed to kiss him in the airport. He'd checked Twitter and Tumblr before getting up, and nobody had seen them. He was relieved for his boyfriend. Connor just wasn't ready to have the world know about his sexuality. For a while, it would just have to be a case of playing with Troye's curls over coffee at his kitchen counter, but never at Starbucks. Troye was okay with that, as Connor was still acquainted with his closet, but carefully oiling the hinges for a smoother coming out.

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