Tuesday: The End

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"Y-you're...what do you mean you're going..." Connor stammered, unable to process the situation fully. "Is there something wrong with your family?" He wondered. Why did this have to happen? Why so soon?

Troye shook his head sadly, "No, it's just..."

"Is there something wrong with...this?" Connor blinked back tears, which was an action that caught Troye off guard. Let alone the words, which just blew him off his feet.

It was all so sudden, and Troye didn't know exactly how to react. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean us." Connor choked, suddenly overwhelmed. He didn't know why he started feeling the emotions that engulfed him, but he couldn't suppress them. "Is this going too fast for you?" He thought aloud, "Do you need some space because, if that's the case, just tell me you need space. Just...don't give up. Don't leave so soon." Connor slid out of bed and threw his hands in front of him to express his urge. "We can work it out, whatever you're feeling, just..."

"Oh my God, Connor. What?" Troye finally cut him off, enclosing his flailing hands in his gentle grasp. "Baby, I feel nothing but joy when it comes to us and where we are. It's just...I...my label...they booked the studio for me on such short notice. I have to be back by Friday, I'm sorry."

Troye stroked his hair with a sad affection, but Connor didn't reciprocate the tenderness. With wide eyes, he blinked, as if something shocked him. "You hesitated." He murmured, evil thoughts creeping their way into his mind. He wished he could stop them, but they had already rooted, and there was no driving them away.

Troye knit his eyebrows. "What?"

"You hesitated in saying why you're leaving." Connor squeaked. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Troye's jaw hit the floor as Connor's face contorted into a confused and nearly-angry mess of emotions. "Connie..."

"Who was really on the phone, Troye?" Connor asked sourly, accusation lacing his worried voice.

"Connor, don't worry." Troye persevered, unbelieving that Connor would even think of him being infidel. "I swear it's just work. I would never cheat on a guy, even if I had the opportunity. Especially you; I love you, and you know that."

Connor pursed his lips and nodded curtly, unconvinced. He refused to make eye contact, crossing his arms and staying quiet like a pissed off child. "What is it now?" Troye asked.

"It's just..." Connor sighed. "...my cousin Wendy was with this guy for four years, and he said those exact words to her. He told her he loved her, and that she'd be the only one, always." The petite but hot-spirited American stared daggers into Troye's eyes. The thoughts had won, he had been taken to the other side, leaving Troye in gunfire. "Last Valentine's Day, she caught him screwing her boss. Lying is that simple."

Troye's mouth opened and closed like a fish. How the hell had this conversation gone from 'aw, baby, I don't want to leave you but I have to go home,' to 'what the fuck, you think I'm cheating on you?' "Why don't you believe me?"

With a glare of the dirtiest, Connor frowned. "Because she believed him and look where that got her." Those words flew from Connor's mouth, twisted and mixed with all he'd said in the past few minutes, and drilled a hole in Troye's chest. He knew what was going on: he was being distrusted again. Connor was, once again, doubting everything good about their relationship. It not only made Troye feel small, but inexplicably angry.

He rolled his eyes with such enthusiasm that they felt sore. "Okay, that's enough." He hissed, forcefully uncrossing Connor's arms and squeezing his hands with a mixture of annoyance and crazy, crazy, messed up love. "You need to stop this right now, Connor. You're being unreasonable, and it's absolutely unnecessary."

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