Saturday: A Lovely Boy

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"Hey, Mom. How are you?"

"Hi, sweetheart." Cheryl Franta chirped through her receiver. She sounded distant, as if she had the phone pressed between her ear and shoulder. "I'm good, just doing some chores. Brandon is coming home for the weekend, so I need to wash his sheets and everything. How's your day been?"

"Pretty good," Connor said, twirling the foam of his afternoon coffee with his finger. "There's just something I kind of need to tell you."

Cheryl paused for a moment, "Is there anything wrong? You sound nervous."

Connor laughed to himself, because he didn't need his mom to tell him how he sounded; he'd already felt the anxiety coming when he dialled her number. And he didn't really know why. He valued his parents' opinion so much, but it's not like he'd felt this edgy when telling them about the girlfriends he'd had in the past. Then again, he never really felt anything true with those girls. They didn't make him blush or giggle or want to lay with them for hours and hours. Troye, however, did all those things and more, and Connor severely needed his loved ones to understand that.

"No, nothing's wrong." He assured his mother, "Actually, just the opposite."

"Oh, that's great honey." Connor heard her say over the distant rumbling of a washing machine, "What's the good news?"

Connor smiled as he thought about this romantic reality he was about to tell of, "Okay, so you know Troye Mellet?"

"Not really. You have so many friends, it's hard to keep track." Cheryl chuckled, "Jog my memory?"

"Troye Sivan, skinny Australian guy, black-ish brown hair and super blue eyes. He's a YouTuber."

"Oh yes!" Cheryl recalled. "Lord, I should've remembered him, he's one of your best friends, right?" She laughed, "I must be getting old, losing my memory."

"Yeah, well, about that..."

"Oh, oh, it's coming back to me now! He's quite the attractive young man, isn't he?" Cheryl interrupted, a teasing quality in her voice, "A model! And doesn't he write music? That must mean he's real poetic, just like you! Hmm, seems like you'd make a nice couple now doesn't it?"

Connor felt himself getting giddy. Cheryl had always worried about her son's indisposition to date after high school, and believed that his coming out would make him more inclined to. She was constantly wanting to know if he'd met anyone, and Connor could almost hear her winking over the phone as she tormented him. It made him laugh out loud.

"What?" Cheryl asked. "What's so funny?"

"It's just, I'm glad you think so." Connor giggled, "Because he's my boyfriend."


"Yeah, he's great...yeah, I'm really happy...yeah, I know."

Troye was sitting on Connor's bed, listening to the older boy's voice emanate from the kitchen. He only heard Con's side on the conversation, but the bounce of his voice was enough to tell him that Mrs. Franta was happy for them, and that made him happy too. He had left a message on his family's landline, and was tossing his phone between his hands, waiting to be called back. Laurelle and Shaun knew Connor, and they already loved him, so Troye knew that they'd be glad as well. He also knew that they'd want details, and he ran through each story in his head, editing them in a very particular way. He wanted them to be able to visualize exactly how sweet Connor was.

Once he felt satisfied, he began eavesdropping on Connor again. "Oh, hey, Dad! How was work?" Connor chirped, and Troye's face hurt from smiling as he listened to his boyfriend explain the situation a second time. He was telling Mr. Franta how nice their relationship was, and how content he felt, and Troye simply played with his phone case. He loved how he could make Connor feel that way.

Suddenly, his phone began to buzz violently in his lap. He really should change the vibration setting, he thought, to get rid of that demoniac rattle the little electronic box made whenever somebody called him. But first, he had parents to talk to, so he answered the phone, and was taken off guard by his mother's excited voice.

"Hello, Troye Mellet. Or, should I say, possibly the future Troye Mellet-Franta?" Laurelle laughed playfully.

"Oh, crap." Troye cringed. "How did you find out?"

"Kayla!" She explained happily. "She said that Tyler told Caspar and Caspar told Blessing and Blessing told Sage and Sagey told..."

"...Kerri and Kerri told Joan Rivers and Joan's ghost descended from the heavens because she just had to tell Kayla the hot gossip." Shaun butted in, trying really hard to make his terrible joke seem natural in the sentence. Troye sighed and laughed at his dad simultaneously.

"So you guys aren't mad?" He asked. "That you didn't hear it from me?"

"Nah," Shaun answered. "You're a big boy now, and we understand that you probably needed a couple days to let the relationship set in, before we all bombarded you with questions."

Troye exhaled in relief. "Thanks, Dad. We did." He said gratefully. "It was nice to just spend some alone time together, y'know. Since it's all so new."

Laurelle giggled. "We know the feeling, angel. Remember when we would always go out of town for weekends when we first started dating, Shaun?"

"Oh, I remember." Shaun laughed. "You made fun of me for wearing overalls, the entire drive."

Laurelle cackled. "God, I hated that trend. Hated it!"

Troye laughed quietly as his parents told of their young love, bickering back and forth about who had come up with the idea for their first date or the color scheme for their wedding. From the other room, Troye heard Connor say good-bye to his parents. "Bye! Love you guys!" He chirruped, before becoming nearly silent, his footsteps sounding near the bedroom. Troye tried to pay full attention to his parents, but most of his focus was stolen by Connor, beaming like the sun as he came into the room. Troye smiled back, and Connor squeezed his shoulder, before grabbing an armful of clothes from the closet and ducking into the bathroom. Troye's eyes followed him the entire way. Even watching Connor leave was rousing to him.

"Troye, honey? Did you hear me?"

Troye reluctantly snapped out of it, offering his mother a delayed response. "Sorry, what?"

Laurelle chuckled. "I was just saying that Connor is a lovely boy." She said, a smile evident in her tone. "I always thought he was somebody you could fall for."

Troye blushed. He thought of every conversation he'd had with Connor: how they related, how their interests blended, how brilliantly their mental capacities matched. The way they connected was almost as amazing as the shock of their hands meeting. "I guess we are pretty compatible, aren't we?" Troye grinned, playing dreamily with a rip in his jeans.

"We're so glad for you, son." Shaun said. "But it's pretty late here, so we should let you go."

Laurelle agreed. "We love you!"

"Bye..." Troye said, barely noticing the movement of his own mouth, as his attention was again encaptured. Connor walked out of the bathroom with newly styled hair, looking gorgeous in a maroon, white printed button-up and nice, dark-wash jeans. He smiled shyly, as if wondering if he looked okay dressed up like that. Though he blushed at the floor, he didn't really have to be timid, because Troye's heart pounded with the impact of his beauty, and he rushed to get off the phone. "...I love you." He stated, before hanging up. To whom he was truly saying those three words was a question he had yet to know the answer to.


Just a little filler isn't the best but *shrugs* what can you do? I've been having a very humdrum week, which explains 1. why I've been writing like crazy/updating almost daily and 2. why my imagination seems to be tired rn.

I'll hopefully have something a little more entertaining for you guys in the next part. Something cute and romantic ;)

Sydney :)

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