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"when can we do some fun shit?" kilo asked for what felt like the thousandth time.

"i done already told yo ass this trip is strictly business so it ain't no fun shit" i snapped and kilo sucked her teeth.

"bruh we just got off a 7 hour flight and immediately hopped on a damn boat we could've at least checked into a hotel or sum first" kilo shot back annoyed.

"i ain't got time to check in a damn hotel nigga when my money gettin played with" i shot right back.

"i get that but i mean can we at least go sight seeing a lil bit before we head back to the states?" kilo asked hopeful "i should've left yo ass in the states" i mumbled.

"i'll go sight seeing with you lo" trouble chimed in letting out a small chuckle.

"thank you trouble" kilo responded as she rolled her eyes at me "tHaNk YoU tRoUbLE" i mimicked.

The boat came to a stop and we all gathered ourselves together before stepped off the boat. Two tall buff men dressed in all black suits with blacked out sunglasses greeted us as we stepped off.

"mark peterson?" one of the guys asked and i nodded my head "okay follow Mr. Ranta is expecting you" the guy continued.

We followed the guy in the building and all the way down this long hallway until he finally stopped in front of an elevator. The elevator dinged and the doors opened up allowing us all to climb inside.

"y'all know any good spots for food in finland?" kilo asked the men and i elbowed her "what i'm
hungry" she semi snapped.

The elevator dinged once more and the doors opened back up. There were people in suits sitting around a oval table seemingly talking over each other but the room fell silent as one the guys cleared their throats as we stepped off the elevator. A man sitting at the head of the table shot up from his seat and rushed over to us.

"Mr. Peterson it's nice to see you again" he said holding his hand out to me for me to shake.

"good to see you too Mr. Ranta" i replied as i shook his hand.

"we've done extensive research on all these transfers and it looks like they were all approved in advance by you" he explained.

"what do you mean in advance?" i asked twisting my face up.

"well you called three weeks ago and you asked to take a quarter million out and you were informed that you would have to come in person to make that withdrawal so you asked to do a money transfer instead" he explained picking up some papers off the table "so we sent you a few forms in the mail for you to fill out with the banking information of the account you wanted to transfer money to and they all came back a week later filled out and signed by you" he continued to speak handing me the paperwork.

"damn Sin that's your signature you sure you just didn't forget you did all this?" Kilo asked looking over my shoulder.

"that ain't my signature and that ain't my handwriting i didn't approve none of these transfers" i said growing angry "drain that account now" i demanded.

"right away" Mr. Ranta replied quickly.

"hey woah what's going on?" Kilo asked confused.

"that's Luna's handwriting" i said and they both looked at me in shock.

"how?" trouble asked "i don't know but i'm damn sure going to find out" i replied heading towards the elevator.

"I'll call as soon as everything is done Mr. Peterson" Mr. Ranta called out behind me "Thank you" I replied giving him a small smile before the elevator doors closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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