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matty danvers was a born fighter.
his mom, camilla got pregnant with him in highschool and suffers from bipolar disorder, this has been extremely hard on matty and his aunt, who also looks after him, jessie. his dad left as soon as he found out camilla was pregnant, stating he wanted 'absolutely nothing to do with this baby'.

matty has struggled with his identity for the past few years, he came to the half conclusion he could he homosexual. coming to this conclusion, kind of freaked him out and he would beat the shit out of anyone that implied he liked men.

mattys quick temper often earns him a place in the bad books. he gets into fights often and drinks on school grounds.

if people ever took the chance to get to know matty, they would like him. mattys personality overall is positive enough. matty cares about his friends greatly and would politely kick anyone ass for them.

matty quickly became addicted to drinking after hanging out with the wrong crowd in sixth grade. matty tries to hide the fact he drinks, but he craves alcohol. he doesn't even need to drink it, alcohol is like a security blanket to matty, and when he's without it, he's on edge.

mattys hobbies are scrap booking, researching about plants and, you guessed it, drinking. of course matty would never admit the scrap booking hobby to anyone - to save himself the embarrassment.

mattys style is dull, he wears plain pullovers and beat up converse, you wont catch a glimpse of colour with mattys fashion choices.

when it comes to fighting pennywise, matty is armed with a spray can and a lighter, which makes a pretty nifty blowtorch.

matty may be intimidating, but he's just a broken shell of a kid.


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