Chapter 2 - Snack Spree

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-Kumi appears and sees 21 sitting down on the hood of a car with all sorts of candy nearby-

K: ...

21: ...?

K: 21.

21: Shhht, I'm busy.

K: Android 21.

21: What?

-21 rolls her eyes and looks at Kumi, who is now infront of her after vanishing again-

K: What are you doing.

21: Eating.

K: Eating what.

21: Candy.

K: And do tell me; what are the ingredients.

21: Human.

K: ...

-21 slowly smirks-

21: Listen, buddy. If you want the crybaby she's over there.

-21 points to a hole in the middle of the street a little bit away, Kumi walks over there and sees a yellow good 21 laying in it-

K: Why is she yellow..?

21: Cause of that lightning girl awhile back.

K: ..Kass?

21: Dunno her name, dont care.

-21 bites a chocolate bar casually-

K: So you split.. AGAIN?

21: Yup.

-21 is talking with her mouth full-

21: Y'know.. normally when I eat people 

-21 swallows the bite-

21: everyone's all panicked.

K: You think I care about humans? I could go live on a random planet and find a more fun race.

21: hm.

K: Though, Humans are more.. sexually attractive than a member of dodoria's race.

21: I don't know what a dodoria is.

K: Some big pink spikey guy.

21: Hm.

-21 continue eating while Kumi shoots a small white ki blast at the knocked out good 21, it restores her ki and wakes her up-

21G: H-Huh?!

-Good 21 stands up and raises her defence-

K: You're fine, what happened?

21G: Oh.. Uh.. Hi.

K: Are you gonna answer me or not?

21G: Uh well we got seperated by a sword and then she started rampaging here so i tried to fight her but...

K: A sword?

-Kumi raises his ki to it's highest level in his base form and he instantly feels like he's being watched, Kumi snaps his fighters and Fu opens a portal-

F: ?

K: You didn't split 21, did you?

F: Her? No.. why?

K: She said a sword split her.

F: ..In two or magically?

21G + 21: Magically.

(21 said that while eating though)

21G: rrr.. 

F: Huh.. I really only know of one other sword like mine but it's locked away tight in the demon realm and no-one could physically get i-

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