Chapter 4 - Timeline; "Time-Breaker"

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Ai: I promise, It's all the way it is in timeline 665 but no-one knows about you and it's a month in the past. You can kill the Kumi here and hide his body and pretend to be him if you want--! I won't destroy more timelines..

-TB Kumi's sword appears without it's sheathe, he timeskipped it out-

TbK: Don't worry, I know.

-TB Kumi stabs into Aios with Unmei and she dies, Unmei's blade glows red as all of Aios' mortal ki is absorbed dinto TB Kumi, he body shrivels up and the blade returns to normal, he shakes Aios' body off of it and sheaths it. TB Kumi slashes the air and a portal opens in the sky, Sugar and 3 dragon balls fall out of it-

Su: ?!

TbK: We're fine now. No more Tournament..

Su: ...Im exhausted Kumi

TbK: Apparently absorbing dragon balls is hard work.

Su: For it to work i need to put them in a natural cavity in my body otherwise it just pops out when I regenerate from a wound.. So I tried eating them but I just ended up puking two up..

TbK: You're fine now, You don't need to absorb the last three.

Su: I lost so much power when I split..

TbK: So what hole?

Su: Huh?

TbK: Where did you put four of the dragon balls to absorb them?

Su: ..Uh well..

TbK: You can tell me.

-Kumi of this timeline appears and TB Kumi points his palm at him and vaporises him-

Su: Did you just actually kill him..?

TbK: We're in a different timeline to the one that gave us so much trouble.

Su: Ah... Okay.

TbK: So then.

Su: ...Two went where the first one was.

TbK: You put the other two in your ass?

Su: ....Hmph!

TbK: Anyways, You're 100% evil now?

Su: ...Not quite.

TbK: oh?

Su: I am 25% good and 75% evil.

TbK: So pink-eyes is 75% good and 25% evil?

Su: If you mean the other me, ..probably?

-Sugar's ki blows TB Kumi away a little as it bursts into a huge demonic aura and a grin appears on her face-

Su: That power-up was worth the ass pain.

TbK: Hm. So you're stronger than before the split?

Su: Slightly, but I cant use my magic at all anymore.

TbK: I'll just have to compensate with MY magic then, we'll just have to always fight as a tag-team incase Vegeta plans on splitting those from you too.

Su: ..So what are we doing here?

TbK: This is our new home.. Well; Actually.

-TB Kumi smirks, remembering a skill he had only used once in timeline 666, he grabs Sugar's wrist and Vanishes-

B: Huh? Sup Kumi.

TbK: Hello Bardock.

Su: ...

-TB Kumi takes Sugar into the bedroom as TB Kumi takes off his mask and puts it on the night stand-

Saiyan Ways pt.37Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon