Chapter 5 - Return of two fierce foes

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(Cut back to the tournament)

K: Hm.

-Kumi is stood next to Vegeta-

K: So uh, What do you think Kakarot's doing?

V: Stop making small talk, go hang out with "Ar" or something.

-Vegeta flies away, Kumi sighs and vanishes to Ar-

Ar: Oh hey.

K: Vegeta told me to hang out with you.

Ar: Hmmm.. So these are other people from other worlds..?

K: No, other timelines

Ar: Ah right the portal-thing..

K: Sure whatever.

Ar: So how many are there..

K: In total? I'm assuming infinite.

Ar: Are there any cool ones..?

K: Uuuuuh.. there was one where I'm a pretty cute girl, does that count?

Ar: So there are timelines where people are born differently...

K: Yeah the masked-me was born a sociopath or something. Or maybe Chayot just drank alcohol while she was pregnant.

Ar: Is this "Chayot" your mother..?

K: Yeah.

Ar: There's a timeline where we're together, right?

K: Yeah

Ar: ...So isn't there a timeline where you're born a female and i'm born male and THEN we get together?

-Kumi looks a little worried-

K: .....I feel really bad for that timeline's me.....

Ar: assuming that timeline's me uses impenetrable super saiyan.

K: ..

-Kumi shivers a bit in disgust-

Ar: If he did then wouldn't that make Female-You a little cock sleeve?

K: I'm going to throw up, stop speaking.

Ar: Maybe you'd die actually.

K: I am going to puke.

-Kumi gets punched in the face and flung-

Ar: ?!

-Ar turns around and sees a long haired man with his fist out as Kumi appears and kicks them in the face-

K: Agh!

-Kumi steps back and holds his shin, having kicked pure metal-

Ar: ..

-Ar goes ISSJ and stomps them into the floor-

K: Did I kick metal??

-Ar drops to base form and goes into SSJ2-


-The man gets out of the hole in the ground and punches Ar in the face as Kumi's eyes widen-

K: ...Cumber?

-Ar and Cumber clash a bit before a slightly transparent cube forms and blows up inbetween them, sending them a few feet away from eachother-

K: Huh?

???: Long time no see.

K: Hm...

-Kumi looks at the new guy and his eyes go wide-

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