Chapter 7 - Rival, Who?

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K: Hm..

-Kumi is walking through a forest and feels a ki blast approach him, he slaps it away-

K: Hm.

-He turns to see a woman stood feet away-

K: So who're you?

???: Do you seriously not remember me?

-Kumi thinks for a second-

K: Who are you?

???: Does that even matter?

K: I'd like to know my opponent's name before I absoloutely destroy them in a tournament.

???: As if I'd let you. But, If you must know my name is Romane.

K: Hm.

(Ro - Romane)

Ro: So now let's fight.

-Kumi looks to his right and sees a crowd in arena stands-

K: Okay.

-Kumi looks to his left and sees Ava and Aspa cheering-

(Kumi is remembering an experience from age 759)

K: Come on then.

-Kumi and Romane charge at eachother and start fighting in a saiyan arena, King Vegeta III watching over the fight-

K: Hm.

-Kumi ducks under a punch, punishing the whiff with a punch to the stomach, Knocking Romane back and causing her to clutch her stomach-

Ro: ..

-A spikey purple ki slowly surrounds Romane as a white ki surrounds Kumi-

K: So your energy release form is purple? How cute.

-Kumi knee kicks Romane in the chin and she falls over-

K: But, purple doesn't mean more power.

-Romane laughs on the floor as she gets up, a bit of blood coming from her mouth-

Ro: If you would.

-Romane taps her scouter, Kumi turns his on and sees Romane's power went up by 5 times it's original amount, her power level is now 60,305-

K: ...?!

Ro: And yours is only 29,722?

K: How are you...

Ro: Because.

K: You're on the low-level of elite! Your power level is supposed to be 24,122 at a maximum without Oozaru!

Ro: I guess I'm just a little bit wicked.

-Romane shoots a purple ki blast at Kumi and it smashes him into the wall, cracking the wall and hurting Kumi, also ringing him out, marking his second loss in all of his PVII tournament history-

Ro: Heh! Serves you right, dog.

Kv: "Romane" is the winner, thus ending Kumi's win-streak.

-Romane steps out of the ring and walks over to the hurt Kumi, she crouches next to him-

Ro: Just know this, If this weren't a tournament for elites and thus a no-kill tournament, you'd be dead in a pool of blood.

-Romane gets up and walks elsewhere to recieve prize money, flashback end-

K: Hmmm, Nope; Still don't know who you are.

-Romane looks pissed off-

Ro: Oh please, Like you could forget, Ever since I defeated you, you did nothing but train until your power level was over 17,500 as a base form and then you fucked off elsewhere.

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