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                                                                                   *Jonathans POV*

It's a normal day in Hawkins prison, fights, Newbies and more things as you can imagine, but I felt like today might be special.. I watched the cafeteria door thinking someone special would come in, someone I knew, someone like Nancy or Steve.. I didn't know what to expect but as soon as he came through the door I popped up off the bench and ran over to Steve Harrington! 



We hugged for about a minute until I saw that he was pretty hungry 

"Go get some food" I told him nicely while I watched him nervously walk over to get some food 

I have a feeling he won't last a day here 

"While you're eating I wanna tell you some of 'our' rules ok?"


"Rule one don't ask anyone how they got into prison, Rule two NEVER and I mean Never drop the soap"


"your most likely to get Raped or Assaulted"

"oh ok.."

"One more rule you know Billy Hargrove yeah?"

"yeah we used to play basketball back in high school"

"don't talk to him he is very dangerous he is like a king here but a very dangerous king"


"ok now that's all settled we should try and get you a cell mate"

"okie dokie"

I grabbed Steves hand and guided him to the area where they chose cellmates and told him to talk to the guy in that box booth or whatever it is

"Hello I would like to get a cellmate"


"Steve Harrington"

"Ok Harrington, you can have Hargrove as your cellmate"

"oh.. ok.." 

" I expect Byers to know where that is, so Byers please help this young man to his cell"

"yes sir"

Of course Steve had to get Billy 

"good luck Steve"

"I don't wanna die I'm too young" 

" I'm sorry Steve " I said a bit too dramatic to be honest 

but I did feel very sorry for him billy is a weirdo and I don't want Steve to get hurt or anything but as long as I am at this prison i'm going to try to protect him.

Harrington?...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum