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                                                                               *Jonathans POV*

I got worried about Steve because he didn't show up for dinner but then robin told me (Robin is Jonathans Cellmate same with Vickie there is such thing as a 3 person cell trust me)

"Its fine he is fine trust me he probably slept through dinner"

"she's right Jonathan he's fine"

"ok ok"

"get some sleep  you look exhausted actually we all look exhausted " (they're in their cell)

"ok yea goodnight love birds"

"shut up Jonathan"


In the morning we went to breakfast at around 6:00 Am but luckily Steve was already there with his head turned away from me


"oh its you Jonathan.. heh" he turned his head toward me and...


"shhhh" he pulled me down to the chair and whispered

"Billy happened and I fell asleep too early"

"i'm gonna kill that son of a bitch"

"no I don't want you getting hurt I'm fine"

I can't believe Billy did that


I gave him the biggest glare I could and look at Steve he started crying 


"Im sorry Jonathan"

"for what?"

"punching you and breaking your camera back in high school"

"Steve I forgive you but that was in the past"

I gave him a warm smile and walked him to the bathroom to calm down

"Billy should calm down he like goes on and on about how annoying max is"

"haha yea that would be annoying"

I stared at him for a bit to see how bad those bruises are so I touched his cheek lightly 

"OW Jonathan!!!"

"sorry I was seeing how bad those were"



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