Ch11 - 3 years later

296 1 2

Steve's POV

I can't believe im here.. getting married.. To a man! 

But I am.. In half an hour.. 

I've got on a white suit and a black tie.. my 'Groomsmaids' are Jonathan and Nancy! 

"What if I go out there and he hates me!" I say freaking out

"He won't Steve I swear!" Nancy tries to comfort me.. it doesn't work

"Steve listen.. If he hates you when you go out there, ill beat the shit outta him alright? And you have been his boyfriend since you got in jail so calm down" Jonathan reassures me and I finally calm down


I start walking down the aisle and all my attention is on the man that is waiting for me.. Billy, Billy Hargrove

He smiles as I stand in front of him 

as soon as I hear the words 

" Steve Harrington, do you take Billy Hargrove as your lawful husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" I say 

and then the priest says the same to billy and he says;

"I do"

"You may kiss the groom" he says

He looks at me and smiles and we share a very loving kiss.. 


Hope you like this chapter!!

But this is the last one...

Enjoy life or you could read more of my stories ;)

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