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i had been crying for so long that i had barely realised that my old feelings for robin where written down in there and even though she didn't care, she'd hate to be called a 'fake lesbian' or some other shitty nickname that Jason would come up with.

"eddie we need that journal back.." i whined into his chest as he set me down, "i know, im going to get it." he said and before i could even think of stopping him he was darting off into the woods, it's not like i could yell for him, what if jason found me? that couldn't happen.

i heard rustling so i stuck my head out from behind where i was sitting and quietly yelled, "eddie..?" but the ones who were standing right infront of him.. they weren't eddie. "oh harrington, looking for someone?" jason smirked as he pushed me against the wall and held out his hand for Patrick to give him the journal. "what's this? who isss... robin? isn't she a lesbian? god steve. you've really let yourself go." he said in a sarcastic tone.

"just get- off. of. me. now." i said while trying to fight his way out of jason's grasp but i just felt too weak, i was scared without eddie, i was scared without his journal, me being scared? yeah that was an understatement.

i wanted to yell out for eddie but i couldn't, i didn't want to risk Jason knowing about anything that happened.. until Jason put his hand up to my throat, choking me against the wall while chuckling. "e-eddie.." i whimpered as i pushed my head back against the wall right before i passed out, all i can remember from that point was a bunch of "oh fuck"s and "JASON MOVE MOVE LETS GO" as he let me fall onto the ground.

i woke up to eddie holding me and crying in his lap as i caught my breath, "ed- eddie..?" i mumbled as my eyes opened then i saw his black curls and hellfire shirt, by just that i knew it was him.

"STEVE, IM SO SORRY.. sorry, im yelling. im SO sorry for leaving i really shouldn't have all i heard was jason running, what.. happened?" he said between quiet sobs while observing the hand marks on my neck.

"h-he.. choked me. he has my journal, he knows about what's in it, he knows everything.." i said while gripping into his shirt and lifting myself up into a sitting position. i looked over and saw that my bag was gone, my bag with my money, my bag with my keys, my bag with the.. the weed. "SHIT EDDIE JASON HAS THE WEED HE HAS EVIDENCE OD IT BEING MINE SHIT?!" i yelled as i was completely freaking out, i mean it's not everyday that i could possibly be accused of drug dealing, or my bestfriend being a 'fake lesbian' or all the girls in my notebooks being slags.

i hate jason carver and i would go to any length to admit it. i could feel eddies heartbeat rising and i could tell by his face that he was mad. really mad. he wasn't sticking his tongue out when doing anything, he wasn't rambling on about random things and he wasn't trying to hug me, he. was. mad.

"we should probably leave, i mean we kind of have to." eddie whispered while picking me up in his arms and slinging his bag over his shoulder, "you can come back to my trailer, my uncle won't be home, you can do whatever you need to do."

i just smiled back at him, too weak to do anything else and concentrating on the crunching of the leaves under eddies feet. "your shoes are noisy.." i mumbled quietly and giggled a bit before we got to the car.

"front or back seat? i can pull the backseat out and you can lay down?" eddie said, sounding concerned at the thought of me being back there alone even though it was only us two in the car. "i wanna sir with you so front" i said a little louder this time, starting to regain my badly needed strength.

"oy munson what are you doing here??" a familiar voice yelled from the entrance to the forest , "shit he's there with steve." another voice whispered to jason who was the first person speaking. "oh picking up your little boyfriend then? don't worry, we didn't have too much fun." he laughed, but that was enough for eddie, he ran over to jason and pushed him to the ground, punching him in the face as many times as possible before getting dragged off by his 'crew' and forcing bruised jason to run back into the woods with them.

"PUSSIES" he yelled after them before running back to the car and making sure steve was okay. "steve? are you okay? did they come over? are you hurt?!" he said while jumping into the car and putting his hands on my face to move it and check for bruises.

"eddie, im fine!!" i giggled quietly but then noticed how bloody eddies knuckles were, "eddie what about you? you seem hur-" i got cut off almost instantly by eddies lips on mine, he seemed to like kissing me to shut me up and to be honest, i found it hot but once i ran out of air i immediately pulled back and started looking around, just to make sure that i wasn't being strangled by Jason again and that i was seriously with eddie..

"im sorry- i just.." i started mumbling out words faster than i could think, who knew that was contagious. "theres no reason to apologise sweetheart. let's just get you back to the trailer, yeah?" he smiled and i nodded feeling his cold practically half metal hand rested on my upper thigh.


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