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EDDIES POV🎸 (slur warning (only used once) )

i woke up on steves chest with a bad headache, only turning over to get more comfortable but realising that we had to leave for school now. "steve, steve psst. we have to go come on" i said as i sat up between his legs and put my hair into a high ponytail.

"whaat?" steve said, his voice cracking as he sat up and stared at my jawline, i quickly turned his head to the alarm clock beside my bed and he started to subtly freak out, running to the bathroom and grabbing my toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it then..

he brushed his teeth with my toothbrush?! i ran over but didn't bother complaining because of how hot he looked spitti- I MEAN NEVERMIND. i took his chin in my fingers and wiped the toothpaste from his chin with my thumb, kissing him on the forehead before walking out and pulling off my hellfire shirt.

we didn't have a campaign tonight so i took it off, wouldn't want it getting dirty. steve walked out to me standing at my closet with my arms on one of the shelves, sighing as i tried to find a shirt.

"ewww put a shirt onnnn" steve said in a joking manner, closing his eyes and feeling his way out of my room and into the kitchen. i laughed quietly and even though i didn't turn around, i knew steve had bumped his head a good few times.

steve was hilarious sometimes and even though he was good at fighting, he was very emotionally sensitive. it took a lot of well.. research... to figure that out.

i found a random white tank and i threw my denim jacket on over it, not bothering to go back to the bathroom to brush my teeth as i just wasn't bothered.

i left to go to the kitchen and i saw steve just standing there, "hey, you alright?" i said quickly as i walked over to him, holding his cheeks in my warm hands and moving his head towards mine.

"i don't have my bag." he said blankly, looking down slightly but still in my eyes. "shit yeah jason.. ill get it back, we should just get to school, we're gonna be late." i said, taking his hand and bringing him out to the car, grabbing my bag on the gay.

once we got to the school there was nobody in the parking lot so we got out quickly, knowing that since class hadn't yet started everyone would be in the hallways.

a few moments after we walked in most of the chatting stopped except for some quiet murmuring. "what's going on?" steve whispered to me while staring back at all the eyes on us.

"i don't know, let's just go to the bathroom.." i whispered back, hearing me and steves names being added into sentences like "did you hear that harringtons a faggo-" or "is it true steves dating that freak?!" or even "wait so is robin not actually lesbian then?"

i didnt want steve hearing that though, i knew it would hurt him. "eddie is it true? am i really a- well.." steve whispered from one of the stalls, his back sliding down the locked door as i knocked on it, "no steve, it's not it's not, i swear.." i heard only small sniffles coming from the other side of the door.

this was all jasons fucking fault, it wasn't fare on steve. it wasn't fair on either of us. "im gonna find that bastard." i said, feeling all of my pockets to make sure i had my knife like per usual, this wasn't going to be pretty.

i came out of the bathroom and started running down the halls, not caring about the yelling of steve behind me of the endless amount of people staring at us. i knew exactly where jason was going to be.

he hung out alone in the alley every morning, sometimes he smoked. i ran through the school non stop until i physically couldnt breath so i stopped, realising that i was right around the corner from the alley, i peeked around from the corner of the wall and sure enough jason was back there.

i ran over and held him against the wall by his neck with my forearm, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" i yelled, pulling the knife out of my pocket and putting it to his chest. "WOAH WOAH, I DIDNT DO ANYTHING I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING. IT WAS PATRICK IT WAS ALL PATRICK!!" he yelled while staring up at the sky.

"is that true?" i said, pushing the knife further towards him, slightly puncturing the skin, "YES YES JUST STOP." he yelled as a teacher walked around the corner, staring in shock at jason pinned to the wall by me who was threatening him with a knife.

"MUNSON GET OFF THAT BOY NOW." the teacher yelled at me but i wasn't going to move until i was forced.


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