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I actually dreamed a dream that night. It took place in town, but nothing was made of glass. The streets were much darker, even though it was daytime. The sky was no longer a spectacle blue, but now a murky blue which was obstructed by buildings that looked like someone took dark tape and taped the sky.
I walked up to the nearest building but I couldn't open the door. I pulled as hard as I could, but it was jammed, but not jammed. It made a noise similar to metal hitting metal. After trying for over a minute, someone from the street asked, "what is a young girl such as yourself doing pulling on a door like that?". He pointed to the grimey looking building.
I said, "I'm trying to get inside, what else would I be doing?"
"You'd best find yourself a key then. Businessmen don't like it when people go through their locked doors without permission" and he walked off, taking long strides in his suit and wielding a non-transparent box.
"Locked"? "Permission"? Those words made no sense to me. What were those words supposed to mean?
When I woke up, I immediately went over to my bookcase and pulled out a slim book labeled: Dictionary. I couldn't find either word in the book. I ran from my room, all the way to my closest comrade's room.
"The hell?" I exclaimed.
"WHAT are you looking for!?"
"This can't be! How are they not in here? It's a dictionary!"
I ran out of their room and dashed to another comrade's house. Again it wasn't on their dictionary. Then, I made my way as fast as I could, to school, which was a bit slow because I was running out of breath and my legs got rubbery after awhile.
I got to the school and almost smacked into the door. I opened the door and made my way through the halls, dodging the few straggling people in the halls. Most classes didn't start for another hour or two, and it was mainly the bookworms who spent their mornings at school. The library appeared on my right and I entered it. The dictionary, even though much thicker, still didn't have the words I was looking for. I found one of the straggling bookworms and asked them.
"Lock?" They said.
"Yes, lock!" I yelled back
"I-I'm afraid I-I've never heard the t-ter
m before" he said shyly
"Stop being useless!" I said loudly and exited the room.
Not finding the existence of the two words made me a bit depressed. I didn't feel like going to class today, and it's not like they were mandatory anyway. I stared up at the sky and reveled in the warm, comfy sheets that complemented life. I tried falling asleep but sleep just wouldn't take hold of me, so after an hour or so u got up to find something to do. I debated going to class late.
I decided against going to class late and to go for a walk instead.

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