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I grabbed my coat and laced my shoes and headed out through the door, down the steps, and out the front and down the street. In my mind, the piercing tall buildings starting fading into a dark tinge and then solid colors. The area got darker, and colder, and I felt trapped and lost. I started to run down the asphalt street but the further I ran, the more the lumens and kinetic energy was sucked from the air. My lungs burned from running; sprinting, and my legs felt wobbly like a top, but I couldn't stop. I was being swallowed.

As I took a step, everything was suddenly back to normal. My feet took regularly paced steps and my breathing was steady.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

I kept going down the paved way, winding across town. Each time I had decided on a place to go, I decided against it as I was about to arrive; most of the places were comrades' houses and most of them had class at the moment.

The pavement below my feet seemed to stretch forever, encircling life itself, even I started wandering into the districts were plants were more common because they bordered the food production buildings. I looked into one of them and saw all sorts of plantlings and carrots floating in mid air- or more like plantlings and carrots that were rooted into thin air. Between the glass, the plastic containers, and clear water used in the hydroponics, it seemed that way. Looking at the anomalies made me a bit hungry, but I decided to keep walking and get food later.

I finally made my way to the outer most parts of the town where the fruit trees are. The ground was no longer paved at all, but padded with grass and dirt. Each block was the same size, but this time was fenced in with an old style fence-wood and tall. Apparently the trees have existed even longer than the original glass buildings, even the ones that have been completely replaced, but who knows. I thought they burned down the whole world before glass or something, but who knows.

Thinking of a time before the glass has always made me feel weird-insecure even. A time where not everything was visible, where the streets were dark; I didn't want to imagine it anymore. This insecurity propelled me farther and farther away from the center of town. I passed numerous blocks of fruit trees and even dared to go past the fruit district. In class, they always told us that this area was restricted or forbidden or something like that, so I decided to see whether or not that was true.

I wished it was night time, but I wanted to test my idea right then and there. Some signs came into view. They had messages such as "please stay back, for your safety". I was expecting there to be some authority here, but I guess they were busy with other things. It was as simple as walking past sign the signs on their pretty posts. The small act made me feel a little, triumphant.

The small victory suddenly made me feel uncertain about my next action. Why was I doing wha I was doing? I turned about then froze. I heard something call from behind. It had to have been my imagination.


I heard it again, and turned about once more to observe what was making the noise. Nothing could of possible made the noise. A field stretched in front of me for 100 meters and then random bushes and scrubs and trees made the horizon.

I took a step, a decisive step, towards the unknown foliage.

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