🌟 Chapter 8:The Unexpected Visit 🌟

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Molten's pov:

Today is Sunday and right now I'm in the living room of our apartment, watching tv and I was playing video games earlier. It's currently 12:00pm and I'm just laying on the couch with the tv on and my phone in my hand just in case I get a call or message, my brother went is grocery shopping and is doing some errands, but he will be back in a few hours.

*Brr* I just felt my phone vibrate and I turn it on to see who it was, it was Eliza she messaged me.

*While texting*

✨Eliza✨: I got a question, what's the address of your place? And can I have the directions to your apartment please? :3

🌈Mason🌈: Why do you need to know and what is it for?

✨Eliza✨: No reason and it's just so that I can know so that maybe we can hangout at your place sometime. Besides you know the directions to both my house and Lucas' house so we wanted to know yours.

🌈Mason🌈: Alright I'll tell you *After writing his address and the directions to his apartment* And that's the address and the directions.

✨Eliza✨: Thank you so much and see you tomorrow 😁👍

🌈Mason🌈: You're welcome and have a nice day. Also see you tomorrow.

Then I turned off my phone and continued to watch tv. I was seeing YouTube on the tv with captions. It's been 30 minutes since Eliza has texted me, I suddenly feel my phone vibrating again and I turn it on to see that I got a unexpected message that got blushing and rushing out of the couch and going to the front door (the entrance of the apartment).

It was a message from Lucas that said that he was standing in front of the door of my apartment. I quickly ran towards the door and I opened it to see Lucas right in front of me with a plastic bag in his hands.

He says something to his phone and then shows it to me which was "Hi Mason I'm sorry for coming over without telling you, I just came by to give you this and I hope you like it. I'll go now if you want."

Then I said "I don't mind.. this was a surprise.. since I didn't expect you to come over today.. but thank you and you can come in if you want." to him as I step aside to let him come inside my home. He walks forward and walks inside.

I guide him towards the couch and then he sits down. "So how did you get here?" I ask him while sitting down next to him.

Then he says something to his phone again, maybe he's using the voice typing feature on his phone. The message was "Eliza told me the directions and the address to your home and I asked my Dad if he could drive me here. After we got here he helped me walk up the stairs and now we are here. Again I'm sorry for coming here without telling you I was just to nervous to message you. I wanted to give you this food that my Mom made last night that was rice and beans with some chicken and some cookies for dessert. Because I wanted to thank you for yesterday."

"Don't worry.. it's alright.. I don't mind.. I'm glad you enjoyed the hangout yesterday.. and thank you so much for the food. It smells delicious and I bet it tastes delicious aswell." I said to him while he gives me the plastic bag full of food and cookies. I grab it and stood up from the couch and walked over to kitchen, then I placed the bag inside the fridge and walked back to the couch and sat down again.

"My brother.. is out doing some errands and grocery shopping.. so it's just you and me alone for now. Would you like to watch some.. shows, movies or anime.. with me while we wait for my brother to.. comeback?" I asked him while looking at him.

He answered "Yes I would like too" on his phone while smiling.

"Great! But I got a question.. that I would like to ask you.. you don't have to answer if you don't want to.. but I would like to know what your eyes look like. I'm sorry.. if it's a personal question.. I just really want to know.. and can I see them?" I said while grabbing the remote and looking at him.

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