🌟 Chapter 9: Nightmares 🌟

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[*Warning* this chapter is very violent]

Young Molten's pov:

"Where's Father? It's 2:00pm and it's Christmas he should be here by now. Mother won't leave me alone until he arrives." I wrote in my small notebook.

(In sign language) "He should be here soon, but he's probably drunk somewhere or passed out at the bar again. But don't worry I won't let them hurt you again. I promise" says Asher while patting my head.

Me, Asher and our Mother Diana have been waiting for Father to come back home, Mother has already called him several times and he will always respond with attitude. Even though I wish he would disappear forever but sadly that won't happen anytime soon, if I could leave this place I would but sadly I can't since I'm just 10 yrs old. And my brother is 14 yrs old so we both can't afford a place to live without our "parents".

But someday me and my brother will escape this horrible place and live somewhere far away from here and be free.

Currently we are all waiting for him in the living room. I'm sitting on my favorite recliner chair while watching tv, Asher is sitting on the the left side of the couch that is next to the recliner and Mother is sitting at the other side of the couch with her phone.

Then suddenly Father came through the house entrance and was standing in front of us in the living room with a gun in his hand.

I was paralyzed with fear when he glared at me, then he points the gun on to my head and smirks. He looked drunk and smelled like he drank like 20 bottles of alcohol.

Asher stood up and walked in front of me while glaring at him. Father looked angry at him and started to point the gun on Asher's chest while Asher didn't move or flinch.

Funtime Freddy's (Asher) pov:

I won't let Father hurt Mason, I will protect him with my life.

"Get out of the way. Unless you want to go first" he says to threaten me but that isn't going to work because I will not move.

"No" I said while glaring at him.

Mason looked like he was about to cry right now, I feel so bad for him he most be so scared and will probably end up traumatized after this.

"Very well, suit yourself" he says while holding a finger to the trigger and was aiming for my head.

I instinctively grabbed the gun, but sadly he pulled the trigger as soon as I grabbed the gun.

*Bang* he shot my right arm and I fell to the ground while grabbing my injured arm trying to stop the bleeding.

Then he looked at Mason with so much hate and anger, he pointed the gun to Mason's head while having the biggest grin on his face. Mason was so terrified that he started to cry loudly and have a panic attack.

He was heavy breathing, trembling, sweating and looked like he was about to faint. He also looked nauseous and dizzy.

"Now say goodbye to your mistake of a brother! And Merry Christmas!" he says happily while getting ready to shoot. I got up and tackled him to prevent him from shooting Mason but sadly it was to late, he already pulled the trigger a few seconds before I tackle him.

*Bang* I managed to get the gun and immediately pointed it at him. Then I looked Mason and he had a hole his chest, blood stained his shirt and on to the floor. He looked at me for a second with eyes wide open and covered in tears and then he immediately falls to the floor unconscious.

"Mason!" I yell while tears were rolling down my face and I was still pointing the gun at Father.

"Good riddance! That brat is gone!" he says happily while smiling.

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