Entry #2

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Hey, y'all! Back with another entry☺

Hey, y'all! Back with another entry☺

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1.) What does love feel like to you?

Being treated as an equal.

2.) If you could go back to one day in your life and relive it, what o would it be and why?

Tbh, I don't want to relive the past. All I wnt to do is worry about the future and live the present.

3.) What do you think happens after death?

Religion wise, there's different beliefs like after life and reincarnation. But going science wise, you just rot away and be forgotten about.

4.) What's yor toxic trait?

Adding someone on social media but never talk to them until they text me first.

5.) What's something in nature that makes you smile?

I like when nature makes you feel at peace. Like take a look at this!!!

 Like take a look at this!!!

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6.) Where do you go when you need to be alone?

I would just islolate myself. Isolation is unhealthy but it feels good to be alone.

7.) What hurts you the most?

When your parents disown you for something so stupid like for your sexuality or something.

8.) Name a bad quality you wouldn't mind in a partner.

Coming home late at night. I don't care if you want to hang out with your friends a bit later than usual. I tust you that you will not cheat on me. Just please come bck home safe and don't get too drunk.

9.) If you could change something from the past, what would it be?

I would change the mentality I had with my school work.

10.) If you died right now, would you be satisfied with your life?

No, not really💀

11.) Scariest nightmare you ever had? TW!! Su!cīde

One time I dremt about my mom commiting suįc!de.

12.) What calms you down when your anxious?

Taking deep breaths

13.) How do you handle stressful situations?

Just like last question, takind deep breaths.

14.) If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

Give it to my parents since I'm still living with them.

15.) How do you cope with being sad?


16.) Would you ever move for love?

If it's worth it.

17.) What's something you wanna change about youself?

My mental health.

18.) How many kids do you want and what genders?

None. Children are devil spawns.

19.) If you could get away with anything, what would you do?

Robbery. My family's in dept.

20.) One of the things that bothers you.

Bugs. No filter on this one. Bugs bother me so much. The fact tht there was a huge ass spider in my room this morning bothers me too.

21.) What's your biggest fear?

Being watched/ stalked.

22.) Saddest memory?

Seeing my mom cry. My mom's a stronh woman so seein her cry is painful.

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