Chapter 1 - The Mission

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"You ready for the mission, tenth harbinger?" Tartaglia teased your rank as you glared at him, his deft fingers delicately tying the straps of your equipment. He was only one rank above you, yet  he seemed to gleefully rub the fact in your face. "How does it feel being only one rank above me?" You retorted.

The Tsaritsa herself had given you this mission, and you could not afford to fail it, so you chose to ask a more experience harbinger for help. Tartaglia was the only one free, and you were starting to regret that decision.

"Be careful out there, remember that he was the Sixth Harbinger after all. I would tell you about his strength, except I haven't officially had a chance to fight him yet." The squirrel haired Snezhnayan ignored your remark as his tone suddenly turned serious.

"Yeah, I will. I've got the element of surprise after all." You shined your pyro vision at him, and your dendro delusion afterward. "He doesn't know about me yet, and overload will be a powerful reaction against him. If all fails, my dendro delusion will likely get me out of trouble and hold him in place just long enough for me to get away."

Seeing that he didn't look convinced, you gave him a smile. "I'll be fine, Tartaglia, I can hold my own pretty well."

Seeing his reaction brighten a little, you were pleased. "Make sure to come back alive though, comrade, you're one of the few harbingers I can stand. Or maybe even get along with." He added.

"Same here." You agreed, hoisting the fully packed bag over your shoulder. "Well, it's time for me to go. I'll have that harbinger and the gnosis back in no time." You flashed him a confident smile, although your stomach felt slightly uneasy. You didn't know who you were about to face, and it was always dangerous to underestimate an enemy. 

The other harbingers were always busy, which was why you figured the Tsaritsa sent you, although even she looked slightly doubtful if you could do it. Regardless, you definitely couldn't afford to disappoint her.

"Goodbye comrade, and may the Tsaritsa's blessing be with you." 

"You too." You waved back to Tartaglia as he sent you off, and you steeled your eyes to the road ahead. This was a mission of stealth, and according to the clues you were given, Scaramouche was likely to be in Inazuma, ready to head on to Sumeru. Your goal was to intercept him before that happens, capture him and retrieve the gnosis, then bring them back to the Tsaritsa. Somehow, you couldn't help feeling like it wasn't going to go as you expected.

Nevertheless, you brushed a hand along your hair and brought it behind you, tying it securely. It was only going to be a hindrance to you otherwise. 

The pack weighed heavily on your back as you steps deepened the snow. It would be much easier to hide your traces once you get out of Snezhnaya, but right now, it made you feel vulnerable in the open space you were traveling through. It provided plenty of cover for those who wanted to find you and none for you.

Why does it always snow so much? 

You left your coat with a fatui agent as you arrived at the transport station. Other fatui stiffened and shied away in your unfamiliar presence. Nevertheless, they could tell you were the new harbinger, the news spread quickly. 

The tension made you nervous, despite all the power you supposedly held. You would have no way to decipher what their true intentions were, but you held your head high and entered the traveling box anyway, without a word to anyone, they'd all been informed of your mission anyway. 

Slowly, the box creaked and shook as it started to move, gliding from the rope above. Inazuma, now I wonder what that would look like. 

You shivered, either from the cold or anticipation. You were going to capture Scaramouche and bring him back, with the gnosis as well. But whenever you thought of the mysterious former harbinger, you felt queasy for some reason. You'd seen him before, briefly, and a part of you had been frightened at his presence while another had felt...flushed? 

It was a strange feeling, that left nervousness tugging at the back of your throat while your fingers tingled. You weren't quite sure how to react, but it had made you feel almost happy.

You shook your head decisively at the matter. You were a loyal harbinger, and would not give in to any excess emotions.

The ride to Inazuma was comfortable, and as you glanced at your surroundings speeding underneath you, you were transfixed. Liyue's golden and red trees dappled the cliffs and clear waters below you as you circled around the borders of Inazuma. 

The beautiful warm shades of Liyue faded gradually into equally elegant darker hues of indigo and magenta, as trees of sakura and lightning made you breath hitch. Just like in Snezhnaya, every land had its own unique beauty, and they made you transfixed, even if they were no more than momentarily flashes. 

As they passed beneath you however, a darkened red and violet figure caught your attention, fizzing with power. 

Without a second thought, you let you glider spread and leaped off the transport box.

Into Madness [Scaramouche x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now