Chapter 7 - Dawn

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The bed was cramped, to say the least, and definitely not meant for two.

It was your fault, really, it was all your fault, as the puppet beside you tossed and turned, your backs against each other and lying in complete silence. It wasn't easy to say how exactly you've convinced him begrudgingly to join you. But seeing no other accommodation in the room that was even remotely as comfortable as a bed, you let him climb in. It was his bed after all.

And maybe just for that, you would make an exception. You would've fought tooth and nail to prevent it otherwise.

"It's cramped." You manage.

"Did you just realize?"

You give him your best glare from the corner of your eye, and he sticks his tongue out in return. Why on Teyvat did you have to be tasked with him, out of all the other missions you could've been given? The prospect seemed much less exciting now that you had to make a choice, between loyalties you've had your entire life and the boy you'd just met.

So why did you still hesitate?

Why did you lie beside him, waiting for him to stay something, to give you a reason, any reason, to stay? The puppet's guard was too low, and though your weapon was out of reach, you could still easily turn the tables on him in his sleep.

He'd been careless, far too much so to free you, because you were still enemies. None of the events in the past few days had changed that, would ever change that.

He was the Former 6th Harbinger, and you would always be Gianduja of the Fatui, bound to your nation with both your pride and your family held hostage. Besides, you liked being in the Fatui, it was one of the places that made you feel fearless, all powerful as you climbed rank after rank before finally becoming a Harbinger. Were you seriously considering to throw away everything you've built your entire life, for a traitor scum who betrayed Snezhnaya?

"Hey, y/n." Jolted back to reality with a start, you debated your response, but your mouth seemed to move quicker than your mind.


If he heard your quip at all, he ignored it.

"I'm going to go to Sumeru a few days later, let's part before then."

"...Yeah." You'd forgotten. Forgotten that time wouldn't stand still, not for the archons nor the abyss, and certainly not for you.

You had no idea where he would drop you off or how, but you didn't care anymore, couldn't seem to care. You doubted he'd give you another opportunity to take him to the Fatui, but it didn't matter. If you were going to act, you would've chosen a moment when he was asleep, and if you weren't...In truth, you didn't what you'd do, either.

"Hey, Scara." The name came too naturally for you, but he didn't seem to notice.

"What." It was softer than when you'd said it.

"Do you think we could've been friends, something else even, if we hadn't been on opposite sides?" Something else even, oh archons, you'd slipped up again. What were you even saving?

"Something else even?" In the dim, dusty light of the attic, you couldn't see his face, but swore he was smirking, "Not a chance, I'd never agree to that."

"I'd like you in another life." You murmured shamelessly, and regretted it as soon as he turned around to face you, both your faces now bright red.

You took it all in, the furrow of his brow, the blue of his eyes, and the tightness of his lips, and the intensity of his expression as you faced each other. Two days, you had two more left.

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