Chapter 2 - The Hunt

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Wind whisked past you as you plunged, dropping silently onto the ground as you rolled against the impact. There was no mistake, the one a dozen feet before you was your very target, Scaramouche. 

Heaving in a deep breath, you crept forwards through the grass, stalking your prey, sword at the ready. You can do this. 

The Tsaritsa's orders were to capture him alive, and you calculated your movements carefully. He was a difficult target, and the safest bet was so somehow knock him out or restrain him before you could proceed further with your ropes. 

The former harbinger stiffened as he noticed movement from behind him, and whipped around, catalyst at the ready.

"Who's there?" Shit. You swore, you'd already messed up the first part of your hunt, you'd made him lift his guard up before you could even strike, taking him down was going to be much harder now, and even more when he started in your direction.

Perfectly still, you didn't dare breathe as he closed in with every step. A gasp caught in your throat as his left foot landed inches away from where your pack was hiding. It was either now or never, but you felt frozen as he moved around, searching for the origin of the sound. He was so close now, that if you abandoned your position behind the bush and reached an arm out, you'd be able to touch him. 

After some agonizingly long moments, he moved away, and you crouched frozen in your position for a couple more minutes, your heart racing. It was a rookie mistake, and you wouldn't make it again. 

You got moving again, following him before you had to track him down again. The former harbinger moved swiftly and carefully, his steps light and tracks almost nonexistent. He would be hard to find if you lost him, so as you crept, you kept your eyes steeled on him, while scanning the surroundings with your peripheral vision, careful to not disturb your environment and to keep a reasonable distance between the two of you.

He seemed to slow down as he neared an opening without trees. You could see him more clearly now, light streaking down without obstacles, and as you neared, you were surprised by how gaunt he looked, almost haunted. Good, he's weakened, that's to my advantage.

The other Fatui must've looked everywhere for him by now, and without a doubt, they'd been fought off, judging by faint traces of blood on his clothes. He was wary, scrutinizing his environment. The opening was a perfect place to strike, a cave flanking it and sealing off all escapes routes from behind, you noticed as you eased yourself up a tree. This is my best shot. You thought as you took a deep breath and sprung, sword sheathed and aiming for his chest as you kicked off from the tree. Your aim was to knock him out without killing him, which would go against the Tsaritsa's direct orders. You could barely react as you shot through the air, spiraling towards him. Scaramouche whirled around surprised as he came almost face to face with your blade, still in its sheath. 

He dodged it and you missed as you plunged it down, leaving a trail of flat grass in your wake as you skidded to a stop opposite to him. Instantly turning to face him again, you almost has the wind knocked out of you as you managed to parry a strike from his catalyst, one second away from doom. You both went in again before separating, your blade now unsheathed. 

"If it isn't another one of the harbingers' minions trying to kill me. I think I've had enough for today, are you sure you're even worth my time?" Elemental power flickered from Scaramouche's fingers, his catalyst following his movements. I'll see how much you talk once I tie you up and take you back to the fatui. You traced your hand along the blade of your sword, the deadly silver weapon coming alive with flames from your vision. 

You moved on the offensive as he came at you, there was nothing worse than being caught in your opponent's blows and being unable to strike back. Expertly dodging his attacks, adrenaline pumped into your veins as you swiveled and struck, explosions of overload lighting up the ground beside you. 

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