Chapter 9 - The Search

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You needed some time to process everything. Especially after what had just happened. 

You'd somehow gained two sets of memory within the same time frame and-

"Scaramouche", did he really exist?

As for why you were in Liyue, you'd like to say with certainty that you were on vacation after successfully retrieving the electro gnosis for the Tsaritsa, but that wasn't what your alternate memory told you at all.

The dizziness had subsided, but the mess in your mind had not, as if over the course of a few seconds, a great change had occurred in the world, and you'd somehow escaped a fragment of it, the pain in your finger still fresh from a wound that left no scar.

It took a while for you to realized you'd been clenching your fist, as if to protect something important inside--the amulet you'd gotten from Scaramouche, although it was no longer there. Just like the smoothness of your skin where you'd been certain had been cut just a few moments ago.

"Verr Goldet! Someone's fallen!" The sound of an anxious voice brought you back to your senses, and a second later, you felt yourself being hoisted onto someone's shoulder. 

Standing up, you took a moment to find your balance, and saw that it was Huai'an as he released you.

"Thanks. I'm fine...I think. I just fell." Dusting yourself off, you faked a smile, and the innkeeper nodded and turned, satisfied.

"Well be careful there, young miss, you've been quite the good customer during your stay!" Verr Goldet's voice sounded distant from the inside as Huai'an returned to her, and it gave you an idea. 

If anyone knew about Scaramouche, then it would likely be Verr Goldet, who'd booked the two of you in. Realizing this, you headed back inside.

"Excuse me, but my memory seems a bit foggy. Was there another person who was booked in here with me?"

"My, have you hit your head, young miss? That was quite the fall." Leaning forwards, Verr Goldet takes out a neatly folded notepad and starts flipping through it, "Unfortunately, I don't recall seeing such a person, but it is possible that they booked the room in your place, I can check the records if you'd like."

She, however, does not give you a chance to answer before she stops at a certain page in the notepad.

"Two weeks and three days, yes?"

Nodding, you confirm the date.

"Then I'm afraid you were the only person involved. Why, were you waiting for someone?" A grin creeps up on her face, and you try to fumble for an explanation.

"No no, I was just remembering something, but I must be off now." You feel her lingering gaze on you as you turn to leave, and almost wonder if she will pry. But Verr merely sends you off, and you wave back to return the gesture.

"Safe travels, young miss, and feel free to come back again any time!"

You had four more days of vacation, and although you'd originally planned to return to Snezhnaya, uncovering the truth seemed far more enticing. 

Despite the unlikely odds presented before you, you reasoned that it was better to travel to Sumeru to see if you could find him. You had faith in your tracking abilities, and as a Harbinger, you'd had your fair share of missions in search of people. This one would be no different.

It was important to find out just who Scaramouche was, if someone had deliberately altered your memories and almost succeeded. Especially since he had once been part of the fatui, and a Harbinger many ranks above you, no less.

Packing up and setting out on foot, you took another look at the breathtaking sights of Liyue. The world around you was engulfed in soft glow of the setting sun, its light getting brighter as it approached the west, where Sumeru was. 

It was a good day to travel, and as you approached the fatui's transport station in Liyue, you felt a sense of determination that you hadn't felt in a while. You'd uncover the mystery of whomever this Scaramouche person was, and find out just what had happened to you.

With a wave of your hand, two fatui members had moved to take your luggage. You followed them into the transport cart, and signaled for it to start.

"Sumeru," You simply said, "And do not delay."

Leaning on the sturdy back of your seat, you felt the rush of Liyue's wind as it blew past your face. Sumeru wasn't too far from where you were, and the real challenge lay in your plans after you'd arrived. 

You considered starting at Port Ormos, as gossip frequently traveled around the place, but also had a feeling that someone like Scaramouche wouldn't choose to stay in such a busy place. You'd also have to take a detour and go through another transport station, which you decided against. Your time was limited, and night would fall soon. 

In contrast, Sumeru City seemed to possess more intel, and provided easier access. Taking out your map, you examined your options. The ride gave you plenty of time to think, but it had also gone by very quickly.

The transport cart lurched to a stop as you arrived, the green fields of Sumeru almost suddenly appearing underneath you. 

Patches of red, weathered, rocks still remained, signifying the transition from the chasm, and you took it all in as you hoisted yourself back onto the ground, and passed the border into Sumeru.

You remembered being here once before, and it wasn't long before you'd crossed to Ganda Hill.

You could glimpse the sights of the city from afar now, the metropolis of stone and foliage encircled by the great trunks of the tree at its core. 

You'd reach it before nightfall if you were quick, and you remembered the inns and taverns there as comfortable. 

Yet as you trekked down the slopes of the hill, a twitch in your body heralded the familiar yet uncomfortable feeling of someone's gaze on you. 

It wasn't exactly hostile -- you'd been in the fatui long enough to know -- but nor was it benevolent. It felt concentrated on you, much more than that of a mere observer, and whomever it was had no business watching you like prey.

Making a silent bet that your observer would follow, you took a turn for the left, returning to the long, winding path that lead to the cave in the Valley of Desertion. 

Caves were where your pyro vision thrived, and you felt the familiar warmth humming along your fingers, ready to be released as you headed deeper.

True to your guess, you felt unnatural movements in the wind behind you, but nothing else. Your observer was certainly good at stealth, though not enough. Ducking to the side, you unleashed a flare of pyro that glowed brightly against the darkness of the cave. It was usually enough to catch a foe off guard, and you turned to see who it was. 

Yet it was a burst of heat that greeted you instead, forcing a retreat as a swirl reaction was caused. 

This wasn't an easy foe to deal with, and as you collected yourself, you peered through the smoke, trying to catch a glimpse of their face.

But instead of a human or monster, or even a fellow fatui, a pair of bright blue eyes met your gaze coolly. 

The figure was strange yet familiar, now decked in blues and whites that matched the color of his eyes rather than the reds, blacks, and purples you were used to. But the part of you that stirred deep inside told you you would recognize those eyes anywhere, in any life.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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