Around Town

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No one pov:

Soon the gems, Steven, and (y/n) were going inside the house. The gems were keeping an eye on (y/n) for obvious reasons. (y/n) went in first and sat on the couch with fast speeds.

(y/n): hmm, nice home

Steven: thanks, and I thought vampire can't enter in without invitation

(y/n): not everything is true about vampires. Humans and other vampires made up a few things to make humans think or feel safer and have a better chance against vampires.

Pearl: what are vampires?

Amythest: you need to know

Amythest tells a summary of what vampires are. Pearl and Garnet start to understand more.

Amythest: yeah, can vampires turn into bats?

(y/n): we can shapeshift into other creatures including humans, but you must taste some of their blood to be able to do it. Your clothes don't shapeshift with you expect for gem clothing like what I'm wearing.

Garnet: how did you get it?

(y/n): I must know you all better if you really want to know me. Not even vampires I turned know of my true origins except that I'm over 5000 years old.

Steven: how about I show around little homeworld? You can see what it's like with humans and gems together. Would that convince you?

(y/n) thought about it a bit.

(y/n): it might make things better and can give some evidence that what you say is true. Alright then Steven, show me.

Steven: okay I'll be back guys

Steven and (y/n) left the house. Soon they walked to little home world.

Steven: it might take a little while

(y/n): I am a patient person just gems tempered it

Steven: I will let you take your time to tell your story

(y/n): I do appreciate that

They soon made it. (y/n) was a bit interested with the place. Steven started to show him around the place. Steven told a bit about himself and little homeworld like his mom was Rose Quartz who end up being Pink Diamond.

(y/n): so, the diamonds are the leaders of gems, and your mom was the youngest of them who was going to colonize this planet until she saw what lived here. She also faked her death and took on a different identity till you were born?

Steven: something like that. She also had done... multiple mistakes.

(y/n): hmm, I guess in a way she is trying to redeem herself. She tried to save earth.

Steven: I guess. The diamonds are better now and don't colonize anymore. I showed them how to change and see my way more.

(y/n): you are an interesting one Steven

They kept going on and (y/n) saw somethings. He did see gems help humans out. He saw them happy and also respecting other earth life. (y/n) was starting to think a bit more about gems and starting to believe Steven more. Soon the other gems Bismuth, Peridot, and Lapis came to say hi to Steven.

Bismuth: yeah Steven

Peridot: hello

Lapis: how it going?

Steven: hey guys. I'm just showing someone around little homeworld.

The gems looked at (y/n).

Steven: this is (y/n) and he just got here

Peridot: nice to... meet you (y/n)

She let out her hand to shake. (y/n) was in a bit of a good mood and shook her hand.

(y/n): scared of me?

Peridot: I... no....

(y/n): you know you're a bad liar

The others laughed a bit. (y/n) did chuckled a bit. Soon Steven went to get some pizza. He was eating and (y/n) was just watching the ocean.

Steven: want a piece?

(y/n): no but thanks anyway.

Steven: can vampires eat or drink human stuff?

(y/n): we can but doesn't satisfy our thirst for blood. I am the first and I don't need blood to survive. Others need to or they become weak and insane till they drink blood.

Steven: human blood?

(y/n): we can drink both human and animal blood

Soon Steven was done, and they went back to the house.

The Crystal Gems and The Vampire (Steven Universe x Male Vampire Reader)Where stories live. Discover now