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No one pov:

A few more days had passed since (y/n) told his story. (y/n) finally felt some peace from talking about it. He stayed around longer and wanted to know more. The gems were starting to like (y/n) better. They saw (y/n) is not so bad after all. (y/n) also met Steven's dad Greg. He soon was outside at night with the gems. They were hanging out at some of beach around. The gems and Steven were having fun while (y/n) was sitting on a rock looking at the sky.

(y/n) in mind: I do wonder what gems do at other places

Then a corrupted gem came from the ocean. The others saw and got themselves ready.

Pearl: let's take care of this

(y/n): this will be easy

Pearl: are you sure?

(y/n): I can't be killed easily

The gems and (y/n) together can beat it easily. Even just (y/n) can take them out fast. They soon went to fight. The gems did like extra help. Soon they poof it easily. However, before it went poof, it hit hard on the side on the rock hillside. After it was bubbled away, big and sharp rocks were coming down and were going to hit Steven. (y/n) saw the rocks. The rocks were coming too fast, and they were too big for (y/n) to use his powers and save Steven. He had no choose and ran to hit Steven away because his speed was the only way to save him. Then (y/n) got hit by all of those rocks and pierced by them.

Steven: (y/n)!

The gems were shocked from what just happened. The gems made sure Steven was fine then Garnet went to the rock pile to try and help (y/n). She found (y/n) not awake and a big rock has pierced a big part of his chest where his heart and other parts would be with other rocks that had damaged other parts of his body. Garnet looked back and shook her head. Steven was sad.

Steven: he... saved me...

Garnet: Amythest go bring Steven back home. Pearl I might need your help because this is going to be messy.

Amythest did with Steven crying a bit and trying to stay calm. Pearl and Garnet got (y/n)'s body out. Pearl kind of went sick a bit from the blood and seeing (y/n)'s insides a bit. Garnet cleans the body with the ocean. Pearl went and got an old cloth blanket to cover (y/n) up.

Pearl: he's... all covered...

Garnet: let's give him a place to rest in peace

Soon they took his body back to the temple. Steven calmed down more. The gems made a coffin with planks of wood and put (y/n) in it. They buried him on top of the hill they were near at where (y/n) seemly died at and where they fought that corrupted gem. They put some flowers for him and left.

Steven: rest in peace (y/n) and thanks

They didn't know that (y/n) isn't truly dead. He will come back.

The Crystal Gems and The Vampire (Steven Universe x Male Vampire Reader)Where stories live. Discover now