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Present time

I felt horrible. I wanted to stop her but everything told me not to. Of course. Everyone I ever seem to love, something has to go wrong. I looked up at the painting. It hadn't changed yet. Except, there was a girl about five years younger than Draco standing next to him. "Ly..." I whispered. Behind her were trees. I ran out to the gardens. "Lyra!" I called. "Lyra!" I repeated her name until I saw the dark mark in the sky. I ran to where it had been. All that was left was a bracelet and a blood stain. The bracelet was one I had given Lyra in her birthday. I looked to where I heard noise. I recognized claw marks on the tree. Greyback. "Greyback! Where are you?!" I screamed. He slowly emerged from the trees with blood on his hands. "Where's the girl?" I asked. "Alive. For now. I'm taking him to the dark lord. He'll bring her during the next meeting," he shrugged. I pinned him against a tree. "Hurt her, and I'll skin you and turn your fur into a rug," I threatened. Greyback nodded and whimpered. He grabbed the girl and ran. I couldn't tell if it was Ly or not though. The meeting was in an hour. I hurried back to the manor to get ready. I put on a black dress, a snake necklace, and did my hair half up half down. I hurried downstairs where I sat next to Lucius. The other seat next to me was empty. Still. "We have three special guests waiting for us," the dark lord said. Rodolphous Lestrange walked in first. I avoided his eyes. I hated him. Next. Came in Bella. I thought she had still been in Azkaban. I stood up slowly. I didn't know if I was dreaming or not. She smiled softly at me and shrugged. I ran and hugged her. "Cissy!" She cried. "I missed you so much," I told her. I finally had my sister back. After 15 years. She wiped the tears from my eyes then wiped away hers. "Next we have a young girl. She's 11. 5 years younger than your son. Correct Narcissa?" The dark lord asked. I took a deep breath and nodded. Greyback brought her in. It was definitely Lyra. "Now how should we torture her?" He asked. "My lord. I think you know who that is," I told him. Many people, including Bella, looked at me with shock as I had just talked back to him. "Excuse me?" He asked. I stood up from my chair. "You know who that is. I'm not letting you hurt her," I said. "Who?" He asked with a smirk. "Lyra," I mumbled. Lucius looked at me quickly, and so did Bella. "Prove it," he challenged me. I walked up to her. "What's your name?" I asked her. Before she said anything she hugged me. "Mum," she whispered through tears. I smiled at her. "Tell him your name, age, birthday, parents, and siblings," I told her. "My name is Lyra Malfoy, I'm 11 years old, my birthday is December 18th, the same as my mother who is Narcissa Malfoy and my father is Lucius Malfoy. My siblings are- were... Cassiopeia Malfoy, Sirius Malfoy, Cygnus Malfoy, and Orion Malfoy. My living sibling is Draco Malfoy," she explained. "How do we know it's her though?" He asked. I looked at The dark lord with disbelief. Then showed him Ly's arm. This scar right here is from when you dug your dagger into her arm because Draco wanted to play with Nagini," I told him. He nodded and Greyback backed away. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to put my daughter to bed," I said. Draco and Bella followed me. "Lyra!" Draco almost suffocated her. I laid her down and put the covers over her. "Goodnight darling," I said putting a strand of hair behind her ear. Just then Y/N walked in. "You know I'm not really Lyra right?" She asked. I nodded. I knew it wasn't her but I couldn't let the girl get her. Then Y/N walked in. "B-Bellatrix L-L-Lestrange...." She breathed. Bella turned to her and made her bow with a curse. "Not here!" I told her. We left the room. "Are you a fan?" She mocked. "Leave. Both of you," I said. Bella rolled her eyes and Draco nodded as they headed back to the meeting. Y/N glared at me. "Are you ok cub?" I asked putting my hand on her cheek. She ignored me. Without thinking I quickly leaned in and closed the gap between our lips, one hand on her cheek, the other holding her hand. She didn't pull away though. She leaned in closer. We both pulled away. "I'm sorry," I told her. "Not enough of an apology," she said. She then forced our lips together again. Very funny. She's so perfect. And hot. I love her she thought. "I love you too cub, I love you too," I told her.

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