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We decided to go to a bridge near the rapid rivers. Y/N, however was afraid of it so I went first to show her it would be fine. "Come on," I said holding out my hand. She started hyperventilating. She shook her head. "It's ok," I said. I held her hand and walked her across. But about halfway there, she let go of my hand and froze. I didn't realize it until I was off the bridge. I turned around to see her crying and looking down. "Y/N? Is everything alright?" I asked. She shook her head. I looked at her feet. The bridge began to crack beneath her. "Y/N," I said cautiously. She her foot got caught as it broke. "Y/N!" I screamed running towards her. The bridge broke beneath her but I grabbed her hand. Her leg was caught so I couldn't pull her up. I also couldn't grab my wand because I had left it on the other side of the bridge. Her hand was slipping from my grasp. My leg slipped and I almost fell down. "Let go! I don't want you to fall!" She said. "I'll be fine!" I told her. She pulled out a pocket knife. "Y/N, don't," I said plainly. She cut my arm. My instincts made me let go and draw my hand back. I ran to grab my wand and jumped into the water. I used a spell that allowed me to breath underwater. "Y/N" I screamed. I saw her. Her leg was caught in a rock. I muttered the spell for her. "What are you doing?!" She asked. She realized she could breath. Eventually we got her leg unstuck. "Thank Merlin," I said smiling at her. We had a strong grip on the rocks so that we wouldn't move. And then we lost our grip. "Y/N!" We had each other's hand but I was loosing her. It was just like the bridge except anything could happen. Suddenly my head hit a rock and I passed out. I woke up at the River bank. "Y/N!" I screamed. I heard a low growl in response. One I knew very well. I was pinned against a large tree almost instantly. My hands above my head. "Hello Mrs. Malfoy," he growled. "Hello Greyback," I said coldly. "Be dear and let go of my please?" I smiled sarcastically. "No no, Mr. Malfoy said I could do anything I want as long as I hide the body," he said showing his claws. He traced his claws up my chest and to my chin. I tried to get away from him but his grip /was too strong. "Do you want me to summon the dark lord?" I asked. "Oh I know you're not a death eater," he said. I was shocked. Only Draco, Lucius, and Bella knew. "Now. What to do with you," he drove his tongue across his teeth. He lowered one of arms and tried to bite it. I kept moving which made it hard for him. "Stay still" he said. I closed my eyes while his went red. When Alpha's eyes go red, they're able to stun anything for 10 seconds. I tried to kicked him but unfortunately, it didn't do anything. "Let her go!" Y/N called. "Y/N!" I breathed. I was so glad she was ok. I smiled at her. But she had her eyes were fixed on Greyback. He pounced at her. "No!" I shouted. He had tackled her and I pulled out my knife. Bella had given it to me in case I ever needed it. "Let her go..." I said to him pressing the blade against his throat. "I'll bite her if you cut me!" He growled. "Ha. Bite her. I dare you!" I said in his ear pressing the knife to where it made beads of blood drop down his fur. He went down and bit her arm. She screamed. She screamed loud. It was traumatizing. Worse than Hermione's at the manor. To know how much pain she was in just by one scream. By one noise. I was angry at Greyback for hurting her. Angry and scared. How could he hurt her. How could he cause her so much pain. I stabbed the knife through his heart. It wouldn't kill him but it would damn hurt him. Y/N had tears streaming down her face. "Y/N?! Are you ok?!" I asked her. Blood streamed down the bite. I conjured bandages and wrapped them around it. She hugged me and cried into my shoulder. "Shh it's ok cub," I told her putting her hair out of her face. Greyback slowly stood up and extended his claws. I stood up and glared at him, holding the knife stained with his blood. He whimpered and ran into the woods. I helped Y/N up and stabilized her. "Let's get you to St. Mungo's," she nodded and I disapparated with her. A nurse immediately ran to get her. "What happened?!" She asked. "Greyback," I said quickly. "Grey- Fenrir Greyback?!" She asked , getting more nurses to help her. The nurses took her away on a table. I tried to go after her but the first nurse caught me. "What are you doing?!" I asked annoyed. "I'm sorry but you can't go," she said. "No! I'm her adopted mother! I need to see her!" I lied. The nurse shook her head. "Only blood family. I'm sorry Mrs. Malfoy," she said. She took me to a separate room and began to question me. "Why didn't you turn him in?" she asked. "While she was being attacked, you thought all I was thinking about was turning him in?!" I asked. "How did you stop him from killing her?" Was her next question. I showed her the knife. "Where did you get that?" She asked. "My sister," I said it as if it were obvious. She nodded and left.  She came back and let me leave. "Room B87," she said. I ran there as quickly as possible. "Y/N?" I asked as I opened the door. She lay there silently breathing lightly. Medical equipment all around her. She was sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake her. "Narcissa...?" She asked. I smiled at her lightly. "Yes love?". "I don't feel good," she mumbled. "I know. It'll be ok though," I said kissing her forehead lightly. I sat in the chair next to her and waited until I fell asleep.

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