Rise of the Ninja's 'Part Two'

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"Woah" Was all we all could say as we stared at the canister in silence. Donnie picks up the canister and I debate on whether or not I should touch it. "So that's the . . ." Leo starts pointing at the glowing green canister. "Mutagen that turned us four into what we are now." Donnie finishes for him.

"Let's drink some!" Mikey yells excitedly. I snap my head to Mikey and Donnie stares at him. "Are you ok?" I yell at him. "Why would you do that?" Raph asks coming forward facing Mikey with his arms crossed in front of his plastron. "Cause if you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant!" "Or a pile of goo on the sidewalk." Donnie tells Mikey unimpressed.  "Either way, it's an improvement." Raph adds and I elbow him while shooting him a short glare.

"Guys, this is huge." Leo exclaims. "Whoever kidnapped those people are somehow connected to what happened to us fifteen years ago." "How is that possible?" Donnie asks looking at the mutagen. "For alien robots, anything is possible." Mikey says and the rest groan. "Stop that." Donnie snaps "There are no such thing as alien robots!" Donnie yells at Mikey.  "Oh, yeah?" Mikey walks to the man on the floor beside the van.  "Well, if there's no such thing as alien robots, how do you explain this?" Mikey than grabs the guy by his face and starts pulling on it. I heard a few pops of his jaw as the guy yelled.

"Mikey!" I yell and Mikey stops "I think he's a human" I tell him and Mikey throws him away. "Okay. He's in the clear. But those other guys were totally alien robots." "Enough!" Raph yells and grabs the mutagen from Donnie. He walks over to the guy on the floor and grabs him. "Time to get some answers. Who are you, and what's going on?"  "Name's Snake, and I got nothing to say to you hideous freaks and your short friend." I glare at him "I'm not short." I grumble crossing my arms. "Well, that's 'cause you don't know us yet." Raph tosses the guy to us and Donnie and Mikey grab him. "Ah! See, we were just regular guys until..." Raph opens the lid of the canister. "We got hit with a little of this."

"Wha - what are you doing?" Snake stutters and I smirk. "Playing a little game I like to call 'Mutation Roulette'. Now you could turn out handsome like me, or you might end up disgusting and deformed, like Mikey here." "Hey!" Mikey snaps at him. "So, you feelin' lucky?" Raph tilts the can slightly. 

"Aah! Okay, okay! They call themselves the Kraang. They been grabbing scientists from all over the city." I narrow my eyes at snake and Raph moves the canister. "Well, that worked pretty good." Leo says walking over to Raph.  "Of course it did. Would you wanna look like Mikey?" "I'm right here." Mikey says sadly looking down. I shake my head unfolding my arms, 'poor kid'.

"What do they want with scientists?" Leo asks snake calmly. "I don't know." Snake retorts. Raph lifts the canister and shakes it slightly. "All I know is they're taking them out of the city tonight, but I don't know where!" I look at him up and down trying to find any sign of bluff.                   

"This is awesome!" Donnie yells in excitement.  "That girl's dad is a scientist. I'm a scientist. She is so gonna like me." "I don't think you're her type." Snake retorts and I kick at his leg sending him a warning look. We all stand around him. "Where are they now?" Leo asks.


We stood on the roof across from Kraangs facility. Mikey was on guard duty, but I still kept an eye on Snake. He was a con-artist, the second Mikey looks away he'll be gone. "There's gotta be, like, twenty of them down there." Leo informs us looking through his binoculars. "Yeah, and that's just the ones we can see." Donnie adds.  "All right!" Raph withdraws his sais  "An all-you-can-beat buffet!"

"We can't just rush in there. We need a plan." Leo tells Raph. "Why?" "Think, you shellbrain." Donnie snaps at him "There are innocent lives at stake. If we screw this up, they're all goners." "Then we won't screw it up." Raph says as if it was obvious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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